How much of this would end if we did away with this insane war on drugs? Most: you never hear about people who run wineries killing each other en masse and as a normal business practice.
JoinedPosts by A.Fenderson
Texas Sheriff - 'Arm Yourselves'...
by sammielee24 insheriff to texas border town: 'arm yourselves'by john burnett.
enlargelm otero/apa u.s. border patrol agent parks beside the border fence at fort hancock, texas.
with fears rising that the drug violence in mexico could spill into the u.s., hudspeth county sheriff arvin west said at a town-hall meeting last week: "you farmers, i'm telling you right now, arm yourselves.".
Who killed more people in the bible? God vs Satan
by Simon ini thought this was good:.
Nice! Even allowing for a margin of error of several magnitudes, that is pretty impressive.
here's "Crisis Of Conscience" chapter on This Generation by Ray Franz
by mind blown in.
just saw a youtube clip of mr. franz while he as visiting was some kind of news conference....he said he didn't regret his time with the wts because he would have never been able to experience first hand what he witnessed for himself...... .
question about judicial committee meetings
by peaches ina couple of young people about 20years old,,,,were involved with each....they went too far with the being alone situation....not sure if they reported themselves or some one else did...reguardless.....i guess the elders asked both of them extremely embarrassing questions and very very personal what kind of underwear she wore,,,,,did she have an orgasm.....etc etc..... i do not understand why this is done?????
they went too far,,,acknowledged it,,,,met with the elders...why the deep personal questions??
they already had all the information they needed...... i should know these things,,,being in the borg for 30 years...but i don't,,,i really do not understand why????
The elders get excited hearing the details, likely because their own sex lives are nonexistent or extremely boring.
Zeitgeist, just nonsense? Please explain.
by cyberjesus ini recently watched the movie along with the second part thanks to several people mentioning it on this forum.
i have seen both people against and pro.
what are your thoughts?
However, within the confines of the US, if you choose to stay, you IMPLICITLY agreeing to the law of the land.
I'll take that as a concession to the point that I have at no time explicitly agreed etc etc, thank you.
How does it restrict life? Liberty is not absolute. What kind of happiness are you not free to pursue?
There is one I action I can think of whose illegality is a violation of the freedom of all three: selling marijuana. Suppose I really like marijuana--it makes me happy--so much so that I wish not only to use it myself, but to increase my happiness by bringing this happiness to as many others as possible. Laws against its simple small-scale cultivation and/or possession interfere with my pursuit of happiness that is in no way detrimental to (nor even involving) any second or higher-order parties; of course liberty is not absolute, but one would think that the law would rightfully confine itself only to restricting the freedom of actions which actually have a direct and negative impact on others. If I'm thrown in jail/prison for smoking pot, obviously my freedom is gone. If I choose to bring my happiness to a number of people beyond a certain threshold, I may have my life ended under federal law (18 U.S.C. 3591(b)).
Perhaps you misunderstand that the declaration of independnce meant. In any case, it was declaring to britain the intentions of the new nation. Your rights are enumerated in the first 10 amendments to the constitution.
Do you really hold to the view that the Declaration of Independence was merely some sort of "Dear John" letter from the colonies to Britain, and has no meaning otherwise? It's revered as one of the most important of the founding documents of this country--just because it's not part of the Constitution or otherwise a set of laws or specifics about the way our government is to be structured doesn't mean it's not vitally important in determining the ideals upon which this nation was founded. And the first sentence of the second paragraph reads thus: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." To ignore the importance of this seems to me equivalent to those certain Christians who have their favorite scriptures they will quote, but when confronted with one they can't explain or make fit into their view of Christianity, they argue to the effect that "Well, Paul intended that for the Ephesians specifically--it doesn't have direct bearing on us today..." or similar.
Your arguments consistently cast aside the principles I'm trying to aim at and circularly point out that the letter of the law makes no such provisions--there's no need to do that, as I'll completely concede the point right now if I haven't already done so.
Does your profession/area of study fall under the category of law somehow? I ask because I've noticed a tendency of people whose profession does involve legal matters to fight tooth and nail to keep the argument completely within the framework of existing law, rather than the principles behind the law or principles completely beyond the law.
The logic of each step is sound in a microcosm, but where it breaks down is that there is no contractual basis for you to stay and nothing preventing you from trying to change the laws should you wish to do so.
This is equivalent to arguing that party C is in fact subject to the terms of the contract between parties A and B by default because the body of the contract has a clause (implicit or otherwise) that makes party C a party to the contract without his or her actually having entered into the agreement, but conceding the oh-so-magnanimous allowance for party C to quit the agreement if and only if party C will agree to have no further dealings of any nature whatsoever with parties A and B.
At a 2 day assembly ...the point that the brother spoke about that drove me mad....."don't hug your husband, wife or child during prayer".
by crazy2try ini attended one day of a two day assembly and did ok until the very last talk.
the brother was from bethal and well jw's pay closer attention to their talks, cause that is when some new info is given,,,right.
well anyways i lost focus and began to daydream, cause it became one of those talks that just talks about wasting time.
Even the government doesn't pry into what kind of sex you're having behind closed doors between consenting adults.
Not at present, but the laws against anal sex, oral sex, non-missionary-position sex, etc are still on the books. Many law-enforcement personnel rightfully think these are idiotic and haven't the slightest interest in enforcing them. Others, though, presumably get all hot and bothered just thinking about all the disgusting things other people are doing to each other just out of sight, and would really like to see stop it.
Does anybody in London know anything about this???
by brizzzy ini'm a californian, but a good friend in london just texted me saying there's a blitz of about 50 jehovah's witnesses in croydon right outside of where she's eating loaded up with watchtowers and setting up a stall and a speaker with a megaphone.
she also says that some of them are women in wheelchairs and that they're rolling in front of passers by and blocking them when they try to ignore them.
she says all of the pedestrians are telling them to fuck off and leave them alone because they're not interested in a cult, haha.. is this something new that the society is encouraging over there (or even more scary, everywhere?
False-flag operations! (I'm obsessed with the concept).
Or, if it's not, it totally should be--some of the hard-core apostates on here with no family/freinds in and nothing to lose should gather up some mags and start yelling at people in the street about some of the more, shall we say, eccentric (but genuine) JW doctrines.
American TV sucks
by acolytes inlet me just say i think american t.v is the most entertaining in the world.. i love the citcoms (seinfelt, everybody loves raymond ect ect) i grew up with rawhide, the virginian, star treck, rovkford files, starsky and hutch ect ect.. at the moment iam watching americas got talent (maybe it hasnt) but the shows great entertainment.
then i rememberd when i was in the u.s and how i felt american t.v sucked with all those commercials.. tell me do you have non commercial the states?.
how much time is given to commersials with a 22 minute seinfet episode?.
acolytes: I love the original Star Trek--I'm going through all three seasons on Blu-ray now, they have the original or new CGI effects (which are very true to the feel of the original), and bonus material, plus the show looks great remastered in HD. I think they didn't put the first pilot ("The Cage") on here though, only the second pilot ("Where No Man Has Gone Before")...?
andy: PBS
I bought one of these digital TV tuners just so I could record science programs like Nature in 1080i high-def.
At a 2 day assembly ...the point that the brother spoke about that drove me mad....."don't hug your husband, wife or child during prayer".
by crazy2try ini attended one day of a two day assembly and did ok until the very last talk.
the brother was from bethal and well jw's pay closer attention to their talks, cause that is when some new info is given,,,right.
well anyways i lost focus and began to daydream, cause it became one of those talks that just talks about wasting time.
There was a short column about his on Freeminds a bit back, which was the first I'd heard of it--mind-blowing idiocy by the WTS:
What about the people who's relationships suffered or even broke over the GB banning oral sex within the marriage? Only to find the ban eventually lifted and deemed "unscriptural."
I either wasn't around for this, or wasn't paying attention: was this actually made explicit in print? When did this happen? I bet there were some interesting conversations when this went down.
IF you were God...
by zeroday* inwould you need worship...think about it, you're god what would you need of made life isn't that enough, did you make it to grovel upon the earth seeking your approval ready to spite it at any infraction to demand of it total loyality or destroy it at your whim because it didn't meet to your approval...why would you create it in the first place why would you need it....
Very good point. I kinda makes you think that many people who believe in God, were they to ever genuinely explore this question themselves and still believe in God afterwards, would either have very poor imaginations about what it would mean to be God, or they find some perverse thrill in imagining that he's every bit as petty as they themselves are.