This is also why the WT Borg and other cults who use mind-control should be sanctioned from using those methods, because their teaching methods and policies infringe on the mental freedom of their victims. Words CAN and DO hurt people at times.
This, to me, seems to be crossing a very dangerous line. As horrible as the cult is, they don't use coercion. They obviously use certain mind-control techniques, whether consciously or not, but they're not bodily forcing anyone into a KH or to sit through a bible study. Laws against allowing adults to associate with whatever group they choose are not the solution here.
Now, like Richard Dawkins, I don't believe the same rules ought to apply to children, but at the same time I'm not ready yet to agree to laws that prevent parents from religiously indoctrinating their children--though I do think it is morally reprehensible to program these types of things into not-yet-rational blank-slate minds which are genetically programmed to believe just about anything they're told.