Yea the thought bothers me Minimus...dont know why...
Loz x
does it bother you if witnesses regard you as an apostate?.
Yea the thought bothers me Minimus...dont know why...
Loz x
and told him that we needed to handle both cases.
and his buddy.
's buddy on the case.
OTWO why do they see smoking as sooo serious though...especially as its a lifelong addiction???
Loz x
in jesus sermon on the mount, he speaks of a narrow path that few will find, yet jw's teach of a great crowd, which no one will be able to number....the number currently is just over 7 what gives?
is it a small number of people or a great crowd?.
Welcome Catmancoop...yep I agree ...great answers Aguest and Chalam..
Loz x
his thoughts on honesty and love were very helpful to me.
i was able to better understand myself and those around me.
i didn't read the final portion of his book on religion, as i quickly lost interest.. however, just today, i read an interview with dr. peck from a few years ago.
Wow I read and enjoyed his Road Less Travelled...thought he was a really sound guy...
Loz x
Ah YNOT so your tactic should be to not let things works...
Loz x
it is so strange how you look at things so differently when your eyes are open.
i recently went to a witness wedding and listening to the talk with the constant emphasis on the bride having a 'head' and being submissive to her head was painful to listen to.
and how the bride has to say 'deeply respect' while the groom does not, is the epitome of misogyny.
What gets me is that they use the headship thing from Ephesians 6 to an extreme ...I even recall the elders tackling one of my unhappily married daughters for using a handbag that her husband objected to...however when the same husband was violent they neglected to focus on his not loving his wife and Christ loves the congregation....and thats where it all goes to pot..IMHO ...they abuse the Bible very definitely to suit their own agendas....
Loz x
Since its the men that make the most mistakes...never really listen...and say the wrong of averages suggests it must be them that have to do the most apologising...
Loz x
what do you think are the reasons why the wts can't handle the truth on why members quit?
why must they disfellowship everyone who would say something like this to an elder on why he/she no longer wishes to be a member......................................................................................................... '' i do not want to be a member any longer because of the changing ''generation'' teaching,the wts is just a publishing and real estate corporation,the preaching work is just a means to distribute books and magazines,the baptism and disfellowshipping of teenagers is wrong,the meetings are boring,the meetings are repetative, the 144,000 is symbolic not literal ...etc.....etc.....
Fear and Control are the tools of the their trade...and gradually over the years as they've faced disonance they've uppted the ante to prevent any revolutionary downfall that may more Fear and more Control = Consistent Power = Safety and Status Quo intact...they've left God out of the equation a long time ago or even Christian mercy and going back now....
Loz x
i saw a similar post on this board once.
but i wonder if anyone can use only the bible and answer the following questions:.
why do trees and animals die, since they didn't sin?.
Jesus told the Jewish Leaders 'Your house is abandoned to you' Jehovah had promised them a Messiah through the Law Covenant but they rejected him and subsequently killed him so as a nation he abandoned them since they broke that covenant.
Paul recorded that 'Jesus was the end of the law' which was only 'a shadow leading to Christ' hence no more need for adhering to stoning and Sabbaths etc..
People still die until the 'kingdom comes' which is why he told us to pray for it.
Based on the 'life for a life' principle in the Mosaic Law Jehovah had to repurchase the lives that were lost by Adam's sin...Jesus was the price he paid. Hence Romans 5 v 12.
Loz x
mitch hederg was a good comedian.
Oh yes...Eddie Izzard...and the wonderful Peter Kay....
Loz x