Your JW bio reads a lot like mine....welcome....I look forward to your perspective.
I didn't discover this forum until after I had walked away..... some highly intelligent, well read and entertaining people here....
i have served 20 years as an elder, 5 years as an ms. was on the district committee in 2010, held various positions on the district , circuit, and rbc level.
probably been on more than 100 judicial committees and even an appeals committee.
was the coordinator in our congregation and deleted because adult child was df ( i kicked him out at the time of his wrongdoing, but that wasn't enough for thr brothers).
Your JW bio reads a lot like mine....welcome....I look forward to your perspective.
I didn't discover this forum until after I had walked away..... some highly intelligent, well read and entertaining people here....
i have a theory as to why elders' wives gossip so much.
i believe a big part of it has to do with the conversation running dry (between themselves and their elder husbands) after so many years of marriage.
since they don't get to spend too much "quality time" together (because of the elder husband's hamster wheel schedule), when they do have some intimate time alone, the elder's wives will invaribly attempt to engage their husbands in any kind of interchange.
As a former elder.....I can tell you that elders....and their wives......are by far, the worst gossips/slanderers in any congregation.
If the publishers knew ..... they would never go to an elder again.
watch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
Wow. So encouraging.......I'm sure Jesus would be proud.
I guess the message is "don't be a hot dog....split open and burning" the 'faithful and discreet slave'
so i've heard lots of talk from within about the 'new light' in this watchtower...i'm yet to look at it in any detail.
i'm kind of surprised actually...i first heard about it here before it was even available but close to the time it did come out people started bringing it up - even our co.. some say things like "have you heard about this?
" or "big changes," or "allot of things they said we believed, i didn't realize,"(lots of that) or "brain-overload" or " too much information, but i've never felt more pumped up" or "it's soo exciting to see jehovah's spirit lead his organization..." or "it requires time to sink in, but it's a good feeling!
Its all so fantastic.
What phenomenol entertainment!!!
All of it....right under their noses......but they are more concerned with where they are going for a beer after this faith strengthening meeting.
who were your past circuit overseers?
i'm sure a lot of us actually know mutual people, as the co's relocate all over the country.. here's a few from the southeast us: (let me know if you recognize any names and post yours too please...).
ellwood johnson (new york/philadelphia area for several years also).
Woodley - Nice old man; had to be counseled by our BOE for being too friendly with young girls....but was just a nice, lonely old guy
Don Auvinon - Weird guy, super quiet; didn't get to know anyone
Milovsky - Extremely talented speaker that truly cared about people.....I became very close to him; I bleed for that guy... what a wasted life....talented. The only guy to make phone calls to me after I left. Wasn't even serving in our state. He finally gave up.
Michas - A former opera singer. Nice enough guy, but I was a kid...... what a wasted life.
Guy Pearce - He made me give up sports as an MS...... otherwise, he didn't seem to like service....he always requested to go on a break; sometimes right after a meeting for service LOL.
...and now for my favorite:
Roger Triplette - That is one troubled, messed up guy. Smug, arrogant, downright cruel to people. He is now living a few miles away. One of the key reasons for me leaving the cult. He opened a door for me and my family the other night at a mother looked at me in horror to see if I noticed him...........I hadn't........but then I did..........she was sure I was going to beat his ass right then and there. I just looked at him and said "you sorry old F**K" ............he just went in.
Milovsky and Triplette were rivals.......they had epic disagreements at Pioneer School right in front of the group. Triplette needs his ass beat........just a total jerk to everyone he speaks to.
mediator and the new covenant.
the society has taught that only the 144,000 are to par-take of the emblems and jesus only mediates and died for them.
"he is the mediator between his heavenly father, jehovah god, and the nation of spiritual israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.
Summed up with a very simple, straightforward comment:
"......he died for ALL men...."
Not much wiggle room there......
speaker said we should not partake because when jesus arrives he will take the remnat to heaven and the memorial will be no more.
just as we will not partake then (because the memorial will not exist) it is only logical that we will not partake now.
warped logic at its finest!.
Just returned from going with my elderly mother.
Unbelievable. I don't know if I'm more shocked that I didn't lose it and start screaming......or that I seemed to be totally ambivalent.
I just looked around as they discussed how the Memorial will go away when the last person goes to heaven.........
Wait for it...........wait for it.........wait for it...............nope, no scripture. Just a bold assertion.
I couldn't even muster up indignation.........I just sat there numb looking at all these poor children and one woman in a wheel chair......just sucking it all in............without nary a protest.
My god its all so bizarre.
I wanted to yell out: "Soylent Green!!!!"
took one for the team tonight, and went along to the memorial.
my first time in a kingdom hall for just over a month.
it was as expected, dry, boring and extremely uninteresting.
I just returned....went with my mother (she is older and I want to see her happy)
First meeting I've been to in years.......imagine my surprise when I looked around and everyone was staring off into LaLa Land.....
These people aren't even listening
is it just me or are we seeing more and more of these guys?.
i have been having some extraordinary conversations with these folks lately and they are actually holding lengthy dialogues with me, one who has become "dangerous", is "poisonous", a "slanderer", etc.
according to wt.. here is one exchange from yesterday and today with a jw apologist who calls himself "warriorprince101010" who decided to call me the dreaded "a" word on one of my videos, stating that i was a "bitter apostate":.
I admire your tenacity....your will to even attempt communicating with them.
I just can't get the emotions to speak to people who choose to be ignorant, have never read their own Bible or studied their own literature.
i've been journaling a lot the past couple of was recommended to me by a therapist when my anger was boiling over.. so recently i decided to start an exercise: what would you tell them if they would listen?.
i've started listing my top 10 and it's interesting......i'm over all of the doctrinal insanity.....i'm forever indebted to the more scholarly among us that have put so much effort into research, writing, etc.!!!.
mine all focused on more 'human' subjects....emotions, pain, etc.
Thank you for each response......I'm collecting my thoughts on this subject and each of you gave me new things to think about.
I want to keep this thread alive and really consider everyone's thoughts....