I enjoyed your post and I do believe The WTBS does get paraniod as all christian groups are persecuted and they behave as if it is exclusively JW.(Reminds me of Mormons)
It's the "They're All Out To Get Us So We Better Stick To Our Own" gag...you know?
BUT...Unlike other Religious groups...JW's do not bare arms. So who will get violently hurt by them.
Isolated yes......if someone allows it...as I did for years. Feelings hurt....yes....I experianced that for years.
But Violently Hurt??? What JW would kill another human? I don't think one practicing JW would and I don't believe The GB would make that order or even hint at it.
When they say ,"Still, in Jehovahs due time, their lies are always exposed, and their "ignorant talk" is effectively muzzled."
They mean Jehovah will do it...not any human.
Personally, I think Jehovah Gonna muzzel them and everyone cause we're all probly going to be surprised!
I don't think a single human knows what's going to happen or what Har-Mageddon realy is going to be like.....not even me..hehehehehe
But still your post did show how paranoia is used as a controlling method.
Why do religions think they need punishments and fear to make people behave?
I think the real message of Christ is that with Love you don't need a threat to make you be a good neighbor,friend,family memebr,shepard of the flock,or even sheep like one.
If you have real love you just want to be good to everyone and you do the best you can.It isn't threats that make good people...it is love.
You Will Know Them By Thier Love
and I think all here agree with that....that is why this place is so great