"your saying too many things"
That made me laugh out loud. I'm sooo gonna use that phrase today.
i received this message from a jw on jwc@fe, after i asked some simple questions:"miss jada, every sentence or phrase in the bible can very easily be turned into a question.
it doesnt take much to raise questions.
even jesus himself left some questions unanswered.
"your saying too many things"
That made me laugh out loud. I'm sooo gonna use that phrase today.
on facebook.
it turns out i was asking too many thought provoking questions, and a "sister" investigated.
7 months ago this would have devastated me, now it just makes me laugh!
Sister S. Jones only has 5 friends..I wonder why.
the dilemma; there is 70 or more family members.
my son and i are agonstic.. so the rest of my family are baptist , methodist or jw.
dead, but the question that come up what kind of send off will i have.. i have one relative who is baptist minister, he and i have had many talks in.
My husbands sister passed away this past July.
She was Mormon but most of her family are Baptist. They had a Baptist Minister and a Mormon Deacon at the funeral that spoke.
Also, one of her brother-in-laws spoke...he spoke about knowing her most of her life, he talked about the kind of person she was, about the kind of a mother, a grandmother and a friend she was. He talked about the charity work she did and how much the family and many others were going to miss her. He was by far the best speaker of the three of them. His words were kind and comforting. Nothing religious was spoken from him.
i really do appreciate all the help you guys have given me in this process.
but it's time for me to leave.
it was time for me to leave the wt (at least in my mind) when it became damaging to me.
I hope you find your way back.
Wishing you peace and happiness.
as each instance of shunning happens to me, it seems even more ridiculous than the last.. this weekend i took our kids to the park - wife opted out, understandably - and we let our daughter call my parents to inform them we'd be there.
this was my first time in the presence of my parents since our df announcement two weeks ago.. my mom and dad were 10-20 feet away much of the time and yet they never said a greeting or.. well anything.
at one point my daughter, who is aware of the shunning, mistakenly thought my mom called my name and shouted excitedly, "mawmaw, were you talking to daddy??
I'm glad you can take this twisted situation and find a little humor in it.
it's been so long since I've seen and or talked to my JW family...they are strangers now. I don't feel sorry for them, it's their choice.
I'm still open for reconnection...maybe someday.
yesterday i spoke of my disfellow-shipping from the jehovahs witnesses.
i had been depressed for many years due to a lifetime of abuse.
as long as i could remember i thought of suicide as the ace up my sleeve; something to do when i thought i could not take it anymore.. after 15 years of marriage to a witness who was emotionally and sexually abusive the thoughts of suicide were on my mind almost constantly.
Thank you for sharing. I remember a time when I just wanted the pain to end. I didn't kill myself because I didn't want anyone to have my children. I thought I was being selfish.
Later I realized if I had truly been selfish, I wouldn't have even considered my children.
3 years ago i was in a very deep depression.. i had recently gotten diagnosed with bipolar disorder 2 as well as a bad case of ptsd.. i was on the verge of suicide, i thought about it every day, every hour it seemed.. then something extraordinary happened.. it was the middle of the night, 2am.
i had been having bouts of insomnia for months now and was up very late.. just for the hell of it, i googled my full name: alex strait.. i found a recent news article that came up.. turns out just a few weeks earlier a 23 year old man named alex strait had been found in a park after he committed suicide.. that was pretty freaky.. the next day i get an email from someone.. turns out his fiance found my website (i am a web developer by trade) that gave a description of my ailment and journey (through random googleing).
she emailed me through my website and asked if it was her alex strait that had killed himself.
Have you been keeping a journal of these events? Please do.
This is very interesting, thank you for sharing.
I'm sure there is something more going on here. Something paranormal.
(((be safe)))) I'm glad you are still here.
do they give various reasons why they cant ie you live too far away, but visit jw family who live a lot further away .
and even try top blame you for the lack of contact !
but they never say its the society that dont allow us to visit you !
A few years ago, my parents attended the assembly...with in 10 minutes of my house. No call, no visit.
below are examples in which judicial action.
would likely not be warranted:.
after attending a social gathering at a single sister's.
I thought maybe the sister throwing the wild social gathering, should probably be counseled.
do you think it has superpowers?
who controlls it?
I've been taking a Paranormal Studies Class for the past several weeks. There are 9 people in the class. Most totally believe in various forms of paranormal...ghosts, aliens, spirits, whatever. Some believe they have have certain paranormal gifts, can see spirits, can bend spoons, can speak with spirits, ect. We will also be studying the Reading of stones, Tarot cards, past life regression, we will be going on a Ghost Hunt to a school that has been closed up for years that supposedly contains paranormal activity.
Several of them have said, they will not touch a Ouija board. They have said it opens a porthole and you don't know what you are letting in.
Last week was the first time I had heard the word/term Merkaba. (I immediately thought of Ezekiel's Vision of a wheel within a wheel.