I come here because I've grown attached to some of the people, and because it's like a one stop shopping. I can find out all kinds of stuff (not just JW) about all kinds of things and people from all over the world.
if being one of jw's is truly behind you, why do you visit this site years later to discuss the subject ?
i know why i do but am curious why others do and how long it will continue.
when will enough be enough?.
I come here because I've grown attached to some of the people, and because it's like a one stop shopping. I can find out all kinds of stuff (not just JW) about all kinds of things and people from all over the world.
one of my jwd friends on facebook just posted this link which i think is quite interesting, it's a blog which is aimed at outing apostates on facebook:.
the blog also have a little information on madjw, not that i think it's reliable but it's there..
I read on another forum, that several people have reported the site for "hate crimes". Based on this:
.......With that said, there are certain types of content that are not allowed on Blogger. While Blogger values and safeguards political and social commentary, material that promotes hatred toward groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity is not allowed on Blogger.
this is lifted from a downloadable 'childrens note book for the 2010 d/cs' :.
http://www.jwforum.net/portal/ i found it in the twitter section.
when do you want to be baptized?.
I looked at the Adult Note book. JWN posters that are going to the assembly could print several out, fill it in ahead of time with information from others that have already been and leave copies around the assembly for others.
i find that i check 2 or 3 times a week and generally have no jwn mail..
I forget to check. But I did because of this thread and there was a message from 5 days ago.
last time at my bible study we talked about how critical a christian should be towards his/her religion, in what situations one should set his/her own doubts aside (like abraham, the israelities in the desert) and when one should stand up and leave (like a catholic who does not understand the trinity).
it was quite an interesting conversation.
he brought up romans 13:1-7 himself (the change in 'higher authorities') and i bit my tongue and did not mention the change in 1962 he knew of was actually a change back to a prior teaching.
I find it interesting that he actually takes the time to acknowledge your concerns or thoughts. During my two "fake" BS, when I asked any of the hard questions, they would say, "it will be more clear later on", "let's stay on topic", or some such nonsense.
this happened many years ago in my old congregation.. the man, who held the position of a ministerial servant for many years had not long lost his wife in death.. obviously, tensions and the general heartbreak of what happened to him lasted for sometime.
i remember going to see him once and he was extremely depressed.. however, his son had recently moved back in with him and they had started arguing.
his son grassed on him in to the elders that his father had sworn at him in a number of arguments and he was removed as a ms. the rest is history.
When I was a teen, a JW friend's dad was a MS. When I was at thier house, he said, "shit". I talked to my friend about it later, she must have went back to him and told on me, because he made a point of letting me know that 'shit' wasn't a cuss word, it was something that everyone did.
i am so inlove with this woman.... we have been dating for six months and she is finally starting to let me in.
she is the portrait of sweet country feminitiy and i am a masculine little macho but smart and sweet meat head.. she called me the other night having a panic attack.
well she texted b/c she couldn't talk.
Like White Dove above, I've learned what my triggers are and I plan ahead for them.
I KNOW; I'm not going to die, and this too shall pass.
I keep thinking this over and over.
i was disfellowshipped when i was 16 for playing sports, girlfriend, high school parties, etc.
basically the normal stuff 16 yr olds do.
i was booted out of the house and bounced around to various family (all non-jw) until i went to college.
I had a friend that didn't believe me either. So he called my parents and said that he was in charge of the High School Reunion committee and was trying to contact me to invite me. My mom said..."She just moved and she has not given us her new address or phone number." (making me look like the bad person)
I had moved Years earlier, (at least 6 at this time) and had given my Listed Number, including address and name and it has never changed. I have given this information to my parents several times over the years. They still don't call.
But why lie? Why not tell the caller the truth? They could have counted their time. Aren't they supposed to use Every opportunity to witness?
just curious.. has anyone successfully tested the 'power' of the holy spirit by being appointed even though they were not zealous jw's?.
once i get appointed, i'd resign within a week.
'coz i would'nt stand jc's and df'ing people..
Do you have like a 'bucket list' and to become an elder is one of the things on it?
What else is on the that list?
i am an unbaptised publisher and something happened (don't ask) and i had a "back room conversation" with 2 elders and they told me that i can't answer in the meetings or give talks for a while.this happened in the 1st feb 2010.my questions are:how long will i have to wait to answer again?do i have to meet with 2 elders again in the back room to talk about getting the priviledges back?what happens if i don't want to meet them in the back room again?if i refuse to be in the thocratic ministry school will/can they tell me that i am no longer an unbaptised publisher?please answer only if you are/was an elder or if you are sure.thanx.
Please answer only if you are/was an elder or if you are sure.Thanx
I don't think there is any for 'sure' as far as the rules go. Each elder/s make up their own rules as they see fit. I lost the same 'privileges' but I was never told. I figured it out then I kept raising my hand and wasn't called on. Then remembered that I hadn't been assigned a talk in months.
They don't own you. You don't owe them anything. This is your life, live it now, it might be the only one you get.