The Egyptians worshipped a god that was pure energy- the sun god Aten- this is a hymn written about him by Pharaoh Akhenaten:
You shine out in beauty on the horizon of heaven,
O living disc, the beginning of life.
When you have appeared on the eastern horizon,
you have filled every land with your perfection.
When you set on the western horizon,
the earth lies in darkness as in death.
The earth lies in silence,
for the one who created it has gone to rest on his horizon.
Then the earth becomes bright: you have arisen on the horizon.
As solar disc, you shine by day.
Men awaken and stand on their feet.
Their arms are bent in worship, because you appear. The whole land goes to work.
All beasts are satisfied with their pasture, the trees and plants become green.
The birds flutter in their nests,
raising their wings in worship before your spirit. The ships sail upstream and down.
The fish in the river dart before your face. You make the seed grow in women,
make fluid into mankind.
How manifold are your works!
They are hidden from the face of man,
0 sole God, apart from whom there is no other. You have made people for yourself,
the Lord of all of them,
wearying himself with them,
the Lord of the whole land, rising for them. You are in my heart...
It is believed to be the inspiration for Psalms 104... its true- there is nothing new under the sun... lol