JoinedTopics Started by jonjonsimons
Jon passed away this morning
by jonjonsimons inmy name is kevin and i am jon's partner.
jon gave me his password a few weeks ago and asked me to post to the board if something happened to him.
as some of you know jon had been undergoing cancer treatment since the end of july.
Taking a health break
by jonjonsimons ini wanted to let you all know that i will be staying away from my computer for some time so i won't be able to join the discussions on this board for a few weeks.
the chemo is sucking out loud and i need to try and focus myself on healing.
for those many of you who have emailed and called with your support, you will never know how much you have helped.
I'm crying now---pray for this family....please
by LDH ini just received a phone call from the mom of one of my daughter's friend's.. 7th grade little girl, just delightful.. we saw her dad tuesday night at 'back to school night.'.
he killed himself yesterday.. lisa.
edited to add, i just talked to the girl's mom again and she told me they went to the doctor together yesterday, i guess he's been having some chronic health problems for the last ten years.. the doctor pooh-poohed his concerns.
Can You Get DF'd If You....
by Englishman inhave sex with a blow-up doll?.
englishman.. nostalgia isn't what it used to be....
by concerned fiance inhere is my situation: my fiance is now 27 years old.
he was raised as a jw from the age of 2 through 18. at that time, his whole family left the "truth" except for his older brother who had already married another woman from the faith.
for the past 9 years, he has been living his life to the fullest, but still loving god, praying often and he is a truly honest and moral person.
Century Mark (100)
by Black Man inhey.....i know it's really no big deal but i've hit 100 posts.
no where near jedi-status but damn.......that's a major step for me.
just call me fetus-jedi or somethin'........
'Lost' redux
by Rex B13 inbeing of course, the usual state of things here.
what's surprising is that they (the lost) think that pulling scriptures out of context, isolating mosaic laws mean't for one purpose and one time, is somehow refuting scripture.. they like to ignore the fact that jesus is the revealed yahweh and he sets the mark, not any organisation nor any pious individual.
we relate scripture to him and we interpret scripture by his life amongst mankind.
ACK!! Son Wants to Rejoin the Army!!
by Tina inhe just told me this today.
he only received his separation papers a few weeks before the attack on the wtc!
he says (due to his past training and rank) if they guarante him ranger,he will return!
The Bible advances women's rights
by Rex B13 inour forum's now chapter likes to slander christian believers over alleged poor treatment of women.
in truth, the bible advanced women's rights in the ancient world, even in a paternalistic society.
here are the results of research into this topic.. num 5.12--the trial of bitter waters (sotah) is a an amazing provision by god for a woman to publicly clear her name (and indict a dysfunctional husband in the process).
Afghan Women under Taliban
by Tina infor those who might be interested in the plight, public murder,bride-price, of women who live under talibans terroriistic fundamentalism........ warning!
graphic photos..
carl sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones.