lol, I don't know except Missouri ( pronounced mi-sur-ah) was a split state during the civil war. I grew up in St. Louis, MO and didn't leave the state until I was 32.
but hey, what do I know
watching the simpsons the other day.
grandpa simpson said that he'd never accept missouri as ever being a part of the union.
(actually, he pronounced it mizzurah).
lol, I don't know except Missouri ( pronounced mi-sur-ah) was a split state during the civil war. I grew up in St. Louis, MO and didn't leave the state until I was 32.
but hey, what do I know
i have been visited by a local jw woman weekly for almost 4 years and started weekly study about 1 year ago.
friday things took a more serious turn and i am very uncomfortable.. i need advise on how to stop the meetings (without being offensive) and still get away from this madness before it gets out of control.
You sound settled in your decision and that is good.
Wow, you've been hit with a lot lately.
Now take care of yourself and your family.
i was molested by a brother in my congregation when i was nine years old.
when i told my mother she went directly to a family friend and respected elder to seek advise.
a couple days later, he and another elder made a visit to our home and questioned me for hours.
welcome to the board, spope.
I'm so sorry for the experiences you had while a JW. And it is sad you are not the only one to be molested and covered up by the JWs. Please contact the lawyer Valis posted and please go to the silentlambs website to "connect" with other JWs who have been abused.
I'm glad you found this place and are open minded enough to look into the false doctrines of the Watchtower.
Please get some counseling. You need it for the abuse you sufford and for being raised in a high-control-group.
elders meet scriptural requirements before being 'appointed .
by holy spirit.
' knowing this will strengthen your confidence.
The WTBTS relies on the gossipmill to get things through to the Rank & File. So they use it to their liking and then comdemn people when they get caught with information the WTBTS doesn't want known. * sheeesh* can you spell c - u - l - t ?
i have been thinking about this for a while and wanted to get some of your thoughts.. how long after you were appointed an elder did it start to dawn on you that this was not the "truth"?
was being an elder a catalyst to that realization at all?
I know, I know, not an elder, but just speaking from my experience (elder's wife for 30 years in the borg). No, it was not being an elder that woke us up. But accumulating all the harshness over the years did make me think about what was really important in life. And I think it is how we treat others. Especially the ones down.
The thing that sealed it for me was reading CoC. It summarrized all the doubts I had and it helped that Ray had been a GB member. He was very honest in his writings.
I'm sure there will be plenty of elders and xelders that will comment on your topic. Be patient. They'll come.
i am looking for some advice to hopefully prevent me going mad.
my husband (an elder) was disf?d by the jws 8 years ago for having an affair with me and consequently leaving his wife.
he has 4 grown-up children and 9 grandchildren.
sorry to hear about your situation. Please take the advice of others and help/heal yourself.
When you are ready there are so many books on the market about whatever you want to believe about life after death. I feel its a personal decision what you believe.
there is, for many of us, a moment in life when we make a choice that changes us forever.
this moment marks a turning point, a threshold of sorts, when we realize that the life we are living is not a reflection of who we really are.. many, including myself, are living on the edge of uncertainty.
frightening world events, overwhelming amounts of information, even here on the forum, has cause a transformation that changes us as we shift our beliefs from what we once believed was unshakeable.. i now realize that living the life of one of jehovah's witnesses was and is not a reflection of who i really am.once having been secure in the great issues of life as a jw, i now find myself living on the edge of uncertainty when it comes to the great issues of life.
yesh, uncertainty. How wonderful a life is when you get comfortable with uncertainty.
*pfffff* to the box we used to live in. Very confining and false sense of certainty. Boy can I spot phony certainty now and steer clear.
last wednesday i got the phone call i had asked for, elder with funereal voice asked me if i had changed my mind.
so an announcement would be made the next evening.. ' ok ,fine!
thanks for letting me know!
well, there you go, Meatpie.
Turning a lovely situation into a more lovely one. Good for you. the jw yahoo chatroom, right now!.
at first we said, yea sure, you sound like him but get on cam to prove it.. and sure enough, it's gary!.
he is gonna tell howie about our room.. lee, get yo' ass back in here.. skally
how did he get access? don't you have to have JW literature to know the answer to whatever question they ask?
have fun with him
i just wanted to introduce myself here on this forum.
i have been lurking here awhile, i really enjoy reading your posts.
i get so caught up reading i don't have much to add, but give me time.
*passing a soft, fluffy pillow your way*
welcome truebloom.
When you feel comfortable, tell us a little about yourself, if you'd like. We are always nosey politely curious.