They had to operate on him to remove the peanut from his lung. He got over it ok, but it was pretty darn scary, especially with the risk of infection .
A peanut in a lung is very caustic to the lung.
When our youngest was 18 months he aspirated a peanut (post choking on it). While he was under anesthesia, they saw the peanut through the scope, but when they went to retreve it, it wasn't there. The doctor assumed it flew out when the scope was removed due to the pressure behind the peanut. Anyway, the sad thing was, he went into a severe asthma attack and had to be on a respirator for 3 days. (He was medically sedated) But it took several years for his lung/lungs to recover. Very scary.
Anyway, he is now a very healthly, happy 17 year old training to be a fireman. So babies do grow up and life does go one.