Thanks, wife and I view these and others...very interesting. Looks like the wheels are turning in the correct direction.
Thanks, wife and I view these and others...very interesting. Looks like the wheels are turning in the correct direction.
and it does not disappoint.
the first century brothers are on the cover, going door to door with what look like leather messenger bags.. the first article is entitled, are all "christians" christian.
and you can tell by the picture that anyone with a beard or goatee is definitely not a real christian.. the next article, remain in my word has this quote that condemns catholics but seems eerily close to what jws believe:.
Matt 23:5 5 “Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long;
Footnotes: Phylacteries=
these are the countries with 80 to 89.99% internet penetration:.
these are the countries with 70 to 79.99% internet penetration:.
these are the countries with 60 to 69.99% internet penetration:.
cedars ...yes the other forms of information were very helpful and solidified what I was learning. For me the combinations of information avenues are what enabled me to start knowing what was true or at least truer...very disconcerting to learn what u thought was not.
JWFACTS.COM was the best site I found and I let as many as I can know of it.
Over 50 years in...
Edited...I also had doubts because of the changing in teachings throughout the years but always believed this was Gods Chosen Org...what a mind controlling group.
these are the countries with 80 to 89.99% internet penetration:.
these are the countries with 70 to 79.99% internet penetration:.
these are the countries with 60 to 69.99% internet penetration:.
i'm sure this has been brought up before, but how can anyone claim that this is establishing some sort of organization?
it's beyond out of context, if you just look at verse 45 or 45-47. it's clearly about the contrast between people who are always behaving themselves and people who will only behave themselves when they think jesus will return.
among all of the stuff that i've learned after the bf tried to get me interested in jw-ness, this is one of the dumbest bible quote mining or scripture twisting i've encountered.
former jehovah's witness mark palo featured on free minds, who claims when he was a young boy was raped at the world headquarters of jehovah's witnesses by a governing body member named leo greenlees and says his life has been adversely affected by the watchtower org.. he has lost most of his family, over indulged with alcohol and has faced unrelentless problems both physically and emotionally.. marks therapist is willing to speak up in a court of law and expose the evils of the watchtower society.. mark will be our guest in the 7 pm to 9 pm hours.. .
the first amendment (freedom of religion) has always been on the watchtowers side in stopping class action lawsuits against them but a stunning new twist has emerged that may open up the flood gates for scores of new lawsuits.. if your life has been turned upside down by the watchtower organization and would like to participate in and perhaps be compensated for the life altering damage caused to you then dial into the six screens of the watchtower conference call sat.
nov, 19, 2011 7pm.est.
i just found a link to the newest 2010 elders book and downloaded the entire pdf from another site.
i would love a pdf of the latest private letters regarding: "medical records", "information sharing".
"apostates", "disfellowshipping" "conditional gifts/loans" "senior abuse" and "child abuse".
The main thing you should be concerned about is that it is illegal and unethical to ask for documents that you have no legal right to possess. And then you want to turn around and use these unethically obtained documents in a real Civil rights case? Really?
considering the latest questions from readers article on blood transfusion, i was wondering what the feelings are among this forums participants about blood transfusion.
over the years the society has been receiving a growing amount of letters on the subject of blood and blood transfusion.
any interesting biblical perspectives here about whether "abstain from blood" means abstain from blood transfusion?
I sympathize with your situation and the governing body has allowed blood fractions for any who find themselves in an emergency.
heard something strange last week.
a speaker in the congregation said that you must preach.
he stated that this is a commandment.
To the Org it REALLY doesn’t matter what the scriptures say...just how they can spin it and use it to their advantage. We were conditioned not to question them, only to obey. To question them = not trusting in Jehovah.
heard something strange last week.
a speaker in the congregation said that you must preach.
he stated that this is a commandment.
Many have said "you can't be a Jehovah's Witnessess and not witness about him"--(going out in service)
At various times other religious groups have encouraged their members to call on the homes of people in their community to talk about religion. Some individuals have tried it. Certain ones may even do it as missionaries for a couple of years, but that is the end of it. However, it is only among Jehovah’s Witnesses that virtually all, young and old, male and female, participate year in, year out, in the house-to-house ministry. It is only Jehovah’s Witnesses who truly endeavor to reach all the inhabited earth with the Kingdom message, in obedience to the prophetic command at Matthew 24:14.