A human photocopy with the original destroyed. Nice! What a grand hope.
Posts by Hadit
Restoring the "life pattern", where is THAT in the Bible?
by VM44 inwhen the watchtower tries to explain the resurrection it says that the individual's "life pattern" is placed in a re-created body.. ok, what i want to know is where does this concept come from?.
where in the bible does "life pattern" appear?.
for that matter, has the watchtower even defined what a person's "life pattern" is?.
I was never DF'ed, I wasn't abused, I never lost a loved one to the ban on blood
by OnTheWayOut instrange title, huh?.
the point is that i wasn't "burned" in some incredible way by wts and i don't carry a huge chip on my shoulder from some incredible injustice from wts or the local elders.. i say this because some people have constantly accused me of being really screwed over by my experience because of my comments on others' threads.
i explained myself there for my reasons, but wanted to repeat what those reasons are here in my own thread.. i explained on some post somewhere that i had felt that i experienced "divine intervention" in my life at one time and that same intervention ended my suicide attempt.
I actually find it a bit lame (sorry everyone!) when people leave for reasons like "I noticed a lack of love".
I found that comment odd. It certainly is not lame to ones who did leave for lack of love. I do believe the IDENTIFYING mark of Jesus' true disciples was LOVE. If there was a genuine, Christlike love emanating from the GB, the elders, and the amongst the ones in the congregation then at least you would have that. Doctrines can be wrong, but when the love is not there then there is a really big problem.
They SELL themselves as the ONLY true religion that has Christlike LOVE. How could a lack of that love not be a huge red alert?
This lack of love has nothing to do with human imperfections being elsewhere too. It goes much, much deeper than that. The foundation is false therefore the rest of it must be too.
I fail to see how lack of love is any more or less lame than leaving because of false doctrine. We all have our reasons that touch us personally. If there was genuine love then the pedophile problem would not be the issue that it is. If there was genuine love then they would not lie and deceive. If there was genuine love then they would not enforce the no blood rule, etc. . .
I mean really - if there was love . . . there would be no shunning and most of us would not be here because we would be receiving unconditional love from our families and friends. We wouldn't have to be here hiding and getting support by ones who have also been hurt by this lack of love.
Sorry . . . back on topic now . . .
Out and feeling lost, with no friends? Have faith! (my uplifting experience :D)
by teel inmaybe not many of you remember my anguish through the last year since i joined jwn.
in the meantime i lost my wife (the official divorce is due in ~two weeks), lost all my friends (thank god no family though, except the wife), battled the wts and sort-of lost.
just like most of you when you got through this experience i was lost and confused, coult not found my place in life.. i owe much gratitude to this board for giving me the much needed information and support that i am not alone, and what i'm feeling is not something unusual.
Thanks for sharing Teel! I'm sorry for your losses but am very happy that you are finding yourself and real friends!
It goes to show that even in our darkest moments we just never know what awaits us around the corner. It gives us all hope.
I wish you all the best with your new friendships and your new life.
Rules for those entering Bethel..
by jdhf ini read these on the christian witness site....are they for real???!!!.
what rules bethelites have to agree to"''"the following was overheard on rick fearons phone conference of september 11, 2010, but i think at least one rule was left out and number 12 is lacking some wording.
the group listening laughed at number 11. insightful.. .
That list is unbelievable. Does anyone know how many people in bethel are taking some sort of medication for mental distress? Those rules are degrading and completely destroy any idividuality. I guess that's the point.
You must not be ONE second late??? WTH? What about ALL their prophecies NEVER arriving?
Were you Stalked or Chased After Once you Exited the JW's by Elders ?
by flipper ini tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after i exited in late 2003 .
the first several years they didn't bother me.
i ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me i was wrong for stopping attending meetings.
Thanks Flipper! You're awesome !
No Link Found Between Vaccine Mercury and Autism
by leavingwt insome red meat for the anti-science crowd.
no link found between vaccine mercury and autisma new government study adds to the evidence that thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative until recently found in many vaccines, does not increase children's risk of autism.. it shows kids who had been exposed as babies to high levels of the preservative -- through vaccines they received or their mothers received while pregnant -- were no more likely to develop autism, including two distinct subtypes of the condition.. .
"this study should reassure parents about following the recommended immunization schedule," said dr. frank destefano, director of the immunization safety office at the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) in atlanta, and the study's senior author.. .
Take Alex Jones and any other conspiracy out of the picture. Take what the medical experts say out of the picture. Now what you have is the real world to look at.
Read about the human body and how it functions. Read about the myelin sheath coating the nerve fibers of the brain. What causes it to cease forming? What causes it to grow too thick? How does the body respond to foreign substances injected vs. inhaled or injested? Why do some get infectious diseases while others in the same room don't? What is/are the variables?
You can also do the same as with the WTS - follow the money trail. What do vaccine manufacturers have to gain? To lose? What do anti-vaccine promotors have to gain? To lose? What do the vaccine manufacturers have to gain by refuting the mercury/autism link? What do they have to lose? What do doctors have to gain? To lose?
Now look around you. Do you know people who have children with autism? Have you questioned them? Asked them their experience? Asked them how their children were prior to vaccination? After vaccination? Parents KNOW their children better than anyone else. They know when something is not right. Real world examples are the best source to get information from. Studies can be skewed for or against anything.
This is a very personal decision for all involved. It is also a very intense and controversial topic. This comment is not intended to sway people one way or another. Just some helpful suggestions for research. ASK QUESTIONS and observe and listen to other parents around you whose interest is their child's health. Their story can be a whole lot different than any study will ever show. One side of the story never tells the whole scenario.
Things you didn't think about before you became a parent
by sabastious ini never had to think about what a massive predicament it is to be watching your 6 month old alone and having a massive dump come along that you know is going to take 10-15 minutes...especially if your child is being really fussy.. -sab.
How much I would worry.
The tremdous amount of love I feel for my child - I didn't realize that much love existed.
How much I would have to bite my tongue with a teenager.
How much they could hurt your feelings.
How much they could love you and all the sweet moments.
I didn't think about what would happend if I found out this religion is a lie. That his father won't see it and my precious child could possibly stay stuck in it because that is how he was raised.
Why 144,000 ?
by exwhyzee inif god can read our hearts, why does he need an additional 144,000 creatures in heaven along with the already existing myriads of angels, to assist jesus in separating the sheep from the goats?
is there any scriptural answer for this that you know of?.
Cymatics is fascinating. Just because we cannot fully comprehend something doesn't make it null and void. Our bodies have to be based higher than just physical because chemical messengers cannot travel at the speed required to relay messages to the body.
144,000 cannot be both literal and figurative. It's one or the other. If it's literal then it's all male Jews who are virgins and they are sealed on the EARTH during the great tribulation with the angels holding back the winds of destruction until all are sealed. If it's figurative then the number is invalid to use as the number of ones who are going to heaven. Nowhere in the Bible does it limit the number of people going to heaven. Nowhere does it say that once you have been sealed as one of the 144,000 you can falter and another one chosen. They are confusing (misleading) the grafting of the olive tree which is speaking in reference to the Jews and the Gentiles not ones of the 144,000 being cut off and new ones grafted in.
In other words they make a mess of the 144,000 teaching.
Introducing goman
by goman ini've been lurkin for a while and i've been reading and replying some posts.. i'm catholic and my wife is a j.w.
i studied with j.w.s for a while then stopped for occupational reasons.. our relationship is tense.
but i managed to keep our peace so far.
Welcome goman! I'm sure you'll see many topics of interest here that relate to your situation.
Take care and perhaps you'll post some of your insights This place is a good sounding board.
Were you Stalked or Chased After Once you Exited the JW's by Elders ?
by flipper ini tried to fade off the map by moving 30 miles initially in 2004 after i exited in late 2003 .
the first several years they didn't bother me.
i ran into a elder from my former congregation in late 2005 in an antique store - he tried telling me i was wrong for stopping attending meetings.
Great thread Flipper - thanks for sharing your lovely time with stalking.
I'm so sorry for everyone's plight! They are sick, twisted individuals who have no life of their own. The misery and mental distress they cause is widespread and evil.
I'm going through the harassment and stalking right now. This week has been horrendous. These people are sick. I can't go into much detail because this lovely brother informed me that he keeps regular watch on the internet boards as to what the apostates are saying. Nice. If anyone doubted that your congregation elders are watching these boards - they are. I'm pretty sure they are directed to. They are losing a tremendous amount of people to the information available through these sites. GOOD! I hope the lurkers are taking note of all these sick things, as well as the invasion of privacy and the lives that they turn upside down. Everyone is programmed to turn you in. No questions allowed or rather, they are allowed but you must believe their answers. The 1984 nightmare is real.
That's it for now. I'll see how this soap opera unfolds.
Take care all!