If God can read our hearts, why does he need an additional 144,000 creatures in heaven along with the already existing myriads of angels, to assist Jesus in separating the sheep from the goats? Is there any scriptural answer for this that you know of?
Why 144,000 ?
by exwhyzee 74 Replies latest jw friends
Nope. That's why the interpretation that I lean to is that (at least according to Revelation) after the tribulation there will be 144,000 literal Jews that accept Christ. Not sure if I believe that or not, but it does seem to fit. If God promised that Israel would be his people for eternity, that means that even though they don't accept his son NOW, they still will be given that opportunity in the future.
The number is a typical one from the OT.
Whenever a "holy army" was needed they woudl choose amongst the ranks and the number 12 was one of the many number the OT Hebrews had thing for.
12K from the 12 tribes is a rather typical number.
does he need
IF he "needs" anything, why call him "God"?
I would like to say that nowhere in Revelation is it stated that the 144K are in Heaven.
That is a WT construct.
Jesus doesn't need ANYONE to help him separate the "goats and the sheep".
Matthew 25:
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and he will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left.
Notice that Jesus will do it and there is NO MENTION of His needing any help.
Unless of course the WT is not claiming a "SON OF MAN" lass of people, like the BS "ANNOINTED CLASS".
I would like to say that nowhere in Revelation is it stated that the 144K are in Heaven.
That is a WT construct.
Many more mainstream eschatologists (than the JWs) think this Revelation 144K is a symbolic representation of christian martyrs.
With revelation - really - who knows?
Like Sylvia says - it really is a leap to claim this means that ONLY 144K go to heaven.
Remember the story about the 300 men and the separation of those who lapped water like dogs and those who were a bit more civilized?
Why were some chosen and some sent back to camp? Who were the ones selected and what was their purpose? Figure that out and you'll probably have your answer.
144,000 is a vibrational frequency, the number of harmonic resonance, required to make the "ascension" from a 3-dimensional carbon-based body to a 4-dimensional crystalline-based body, otherwise known as a "light body". This is the kind of body Jesus had after his resurrection, where he could walk through walls but was still able to eat regular food with Doubting Thomas. If you're willing to accept that there may be intelligent life outside of the Earth, then trust me when I tell you that they don't use a decimal number system because it doesn't work very well in universal mathematics. Human DNA has twelve strands, not two. Scientists have not been able to figure out the "junk" part of DNA because they're using the wrong number system. They have to use base-12 because that's the way the universe is designed. This is why the zodiacal night sky is separated into twelve parts. The human body is a reflection of the universe and so it has twelve chakras (the middle five have front and back openings) to interact with those 12 energies.
The entire Bible is esoterically based on astrology, the very thing it exoterically condemns. Josephus reported that the second temple had the zodiac inlaid in the floor tile.
144,000 is a vibrational frequency, the number of harmonic resonance, required to make the "ascension" from a 3-dimensional carbon-based body to a 4-dimensional crystalline-based body, otherwise known as a "light body". This is the kind of body Jesus had after his resurrection, where he could walk through walls but was still able to eat regular food with Doubting Thomas. If you're willing to accept that there may be intelligent life outside of the Earth, then trust me when I tell you that they don't use a decimal number system because it doesn't work very well in universal mathematics. Human DNA has twelve strands, not two. Scientists have not been able to figure out the "junk" part of DNA because they're using the wrong number system. They have to use base-12 because that's the way the universe is designed. This is why the zodiacal night sky is separated into twelve parts. The human body is a reflection of the universe and so it has twelve chakras (the middle five have front and back openings) to interact with those 12 energies.
The entire Bible is esoterically based on astrology, the very thing it exoterically condemns.