Welcome FadeToGrey! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so glad you and your wife made it out together. Good for you for putting her first!
I wish you both all the best.
hi all.. my story.
it's been a while coming.. i have been lurking around here for 10 months or so.. reading just about everyday.
thank steve jobs for the iphone.. i haven't worked out how to post from the iphone.
Welcome FadeToGrey! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so glad you and your wife made it out together. Good for you for putting her first!
I wish you both all the best.
so today was my first sunday meeting that i didn't go with my wife.
as an update she has decided not to move out right now...because she doesn't have anywhere to go.
but she is giving me the silent treatment.
We are all here for you. You can do this. Your kids need their father. Breathe. Every day is a different day - it will not stay like this forever.
Take a look at how many lives you've touched and how many people care and are behind you!!! WE ALL CARE!
I've never met you yet I've been worried about you ALL DAY as many others have too!
You will get through this. It will not be easy but you can do it. You DO have the strength.
so today was my first sunday meeting that i didn't go with my wife.
as an update she has decided not to move out right now...because she doesn't have anywhere to go.
but she is giving me the silent treatment.
I'm so sorry! OMG - how awful. Please don't give up!!!! Your children need you. What she is doing is wrong on all levels. Don't let her take your kids away from you. Call legal aid, call the police, call whoever you need to right now. SHE HAS NO RIGHT TO TAKE YOUR CHILDREN! If you let her take them now she can use it against you that you didn't even try to stop her and it won't look good in court. I've seen this happen. You are those children's father and have every right to have them near you. If she wants to separate - fine - you cannot stop her but you can stop her from taking your children away from you. Start logging everything that is going on - I know it's hard to do right now when you are in this state but you need to. Do you have anyone around you that can help you? A workmate, family member, anyone? ASK them for help. Now is not the time to shy away from asking for help. Perhaps there is someone in your area from this board?
You have the strength in you to do this! It's there - please tap into it!!! Take some deep breaths and think of those kids. YOU CAN DO THIS! Don't give up. I am thinking of you and so is everyone else on here.
Take good care of yourself. Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.
I can't resist a so right back at ya !
Whoa - you've done twice my posts in half the time!
Time to break out a cold one and celebrate . . .! Cheers!
some of you have read what i wrote on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/200211/1/never-wake-up.
here's the final email my wife just sent me 1 minute ago:.
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BrotherDan, my heart goes out to you. It hits way to close to home. I'm so sorry for your pain. Great advice from everyone. This religion makes it all about the org and not the marriage or family. Please point out to your wife that it's YOUR FAMILY that will get hurt in all this. The organization will go on while you both live in pain. How are they going to make up for a broken family? How are they going to console your children? Perhaps call a truce for the timebeing till you both calm down. You cannot make sane decisions from insane emotions. Perhaps suggest marriage counselling and at some point down the line bring up the religious division - maybe the counsellor can open her eyes a little.
In the meantime you will have to restrain yourself. Stop talking religion! It's been hard but I have had to shut up. Stop. Cease and desist. It goes nowhere. We cannot MAKE anyone see what they cannot see. They are not ready. It took you and I time and a process to get to where we are. It is not fair for us to expect them to get there instantly. We do not have to prove anything to them. We can only change ourselves. All we can do is love them and give them time. Let her go to the meetings. Be firm but loving in your stance that you cannot go at this time and/or make a time you feel you can go once in a while.
One thing I did say to my husband is that when we researched preschools for our son when he was younger - we checked everything out and took our time because he is precious - we don't want to entrust his care and wellbeing to someone we didn't thoroughly check out. I compared it to the WT and that I found something terribly wrong. I then said that it is his parental DUTY and OBLIGATION to look into where he is entrusting his son now. I left it at that.
I'm living this day by day just as you are - trial and error. Please hang in there.
My thoughts are with you.
how they're feeling, coping?.
well, do you?.
thanks to those who respond.. syl.
This community is helping me through one of the most difficult and life changing events of my life. It was such a relief to find ones who are or have gone through similar situations. It creates a unique bond. The kindness I was shown when I joined was heartwarming. I’ve connected via PM and telephone with wonderful, loving individuals. I want to meet them all! I also wish we could have a yearly meeting some place so everyone could meet – perhaps we can rent an assembly hall somewhere and show them what real truth and unconditional love are!
Unfortunately, I can’t be on here as much as I’d like as I have to keep it unknown at home, plus time constraints. I read much more than I post. My heart aches for what some are going through. My thoughts are with them. I’ve had many a cry sitting at my screen knowing that there are people out there suffering needlessly for this power hungry, controlling religion. I’m also very impressed by the caliber of people on here. The intelligence and debating skills are great (well – some are just funny!) I’ve learned a lot.
Thank you all for sharing your lives!
Well – I’ve used a lot of words to say what I could have said in a few: Yes, I care very much.
another no-no from the wt.
this was obviously some sort of manuscript talk, i was there and heard it at the st. louis assembly and asked around, and i know it was at other district conventions.
what business is this for the fds to be in, not a scriptual affair at all.
It would seem reasonable to me that IF this scripture can be used to ban THINGS IT DOES NOT MENTION, then it MUST ALSO ban the things that are mentioned. Am I being unreasonable?
Excellent point Nathan! It goes beyond their capacity for logic.
Satanic silicone?!! That is hilarious! I have no doubt many would volunteer to "handle the situation."
Botox "firms things up" I guess Viagra is out too. It's not a medical emergency either (well . . . I guess that could be argued!)
Their rules are absolutely ridiculous.
i just happened to remember this ridiculous jw story that involved the elders/wt rules at my former congregation.
for many years, there was a building immediately next to the kh.
it was a local businessman, and after several years he converted it to a part time church.
Infuriating for sure. A blatant lack of love. On the bright side - there was a church full of people that I'm sure were told what happened. They in turn will tell others and the loving attitude of the witnesses will be spread far and wide. It may have helped keep some away. Let's hope so.
it was made by a women who in later years wore crotchless panties and bras which had holes in the nipple areas.
he not only knew the woman in question (she's now deceased), he has met her numerous times.
up until recently this secret of her year's long sexual affair with rutherford was kept by the family.
Wow! Great information - thanks for all the research! I'll have to set a half a day aside to read it.
I think their DVD might be missing a tiny bit of info!