Welcome to the forum AiAi! I'm sorry your family is shunning you. The shunning policy of the org is evil and cruel. Such love they teach.
All the best!
hi everyone, i have checked this site out every once in awhile as i was on my way out and as i found myself coming back more and more recently i decided i should probably become a member....
Welcome to the forum AiAi! I'm sorry your family is shunning you. The shunning policy of the org is evil and cruel. Such love they teach.
All the best!
just joined up on this site, left the publishing company last year... been so eye opening to read this site and others, can't believe i was held like that so long.
embarrassed but hopeful and loving life!.
from british columbia, canada!.
Welcome to the forum Walk On! I'm from BC too . As for being embarrassed - don't be, as you can see we were all in the same situation. Glad we all woke up.
Take care and I wish you all the best.
i was almost as worried as if i was giving a talk instead of my wife last night.
i parked and they went in well before me.
i gathered my thoughts and realized that it was only proper that way.
Thanks for sharing your hearfelt thoughts. It made me sad. I hope one day your wife will realize what you did (and do) for her. I don't see how those words of endearment about your wife wouldn't touch her heart. The way they separate families is truly heartbreaking.
I am glad I woke up but it's painful and there is a cost.
Take good care.
last week, i told you i was going to tell my daughter that i was leaving the truth this weekend and you all gave me sound advice.
but, i cannot keep a secret this heavy from the person i love most on this earth, my only daughter, who is beautiful inside and out.. well, i have always had an open and honest relationship with my daughter, and i guess it paid off.
this weekend i visited my daughter (who lives in another state) and i told her i was leaving "the truth.
So encouraging! You did a great job sharing information with your daughter. I wish I didn't panic and did things differently from when I first found out! I think I'll start putting information into one place and hope one day my son will look at it. One can hope that love will win out!
Welcome to the forum too! So nice to see members of the same family joining. GrandmaJones is a treasure! You two are very lucky to have each other.
I wish you all the best and please keep us posted on your daughter's response!
where sincerity, mercy, love predominated the witnesses at one time?
or has it always been like it is today, corrupt, hypocritical, abuse of power, unloving?
just curious if it started out with good intentions and then like anything else as time goes on and it becomes too big for unqualified people to handle it, it all goes bad..
No. I too believe they have always been corrupt. An elite boys club of misogynistic men who pretend to be Gods.
I do not believe they promote family. They promote a 'Stepford Wives' type family. Men who reign, women who must service them while they have to shut up, and children who are required to be beaten and instilled with fear so that obey a man-made mind control cult.
Morals? What they call morals I call judgmental and hateful. There is not one ounce of love stemming from them. Not one.
Added: This of course does not negate the fact that there are truly loving people within the congregations. I hope that they all wake up.
as i said in my earlier post, my nephew took his own life yesterday evening.
my sister is a die-hard jw and this religion is her comfort more than ever right now, so she accepts everything they throw at her.
the elders will meet this evening and decide whether they will allow a memorial service at the kh.
What a terrible situation. An added dimension of stress to a tragic situation. How awful - I'm so sorry. This is not the time for differences to matter! Love, respect and empathy should be the forces here. Egos need to be let go and maturity and wisdom relied on. I hope that it can be the case.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and your nephew.
hi, i've been lurking for a few days reading the site, interesting stuff ;).
i've been out of the org for 23 years, i was 27 i left an agnostic and became an atheist many years ago.
i knew i was going to leave for 7 years before i did but had stayed in because i didn't want to hurt my family, it hadn't occurred to me that they might shun me.
Welcome to the forum Gemmel! Thank you for sharing your story. I'm so sorry that you lost your family in the process. What a loving organization that leaves families and individuals in shreds. I applaud your truthfulness. I hope some of those elders woke up because of it. I hope some day your family will wake up.
Take good care.
Homeopathy imprints the genetic signature of the substance leaving an energetic imprint. There is nothing of the actual substance left in the remedy.
I've used homeopathy many times with success. Perhaps it was my belief that it would work that it always did.
Something interesting to look up is "phantom DNA" and Dr. Vladimir Poponin who is a quantum physicist. He has done some interesting experiments.
he was 23 years old.
he was depressed and took his own life.
no one had any idea he was contemplating something like this.
I'm so sorry! How tragic! My deepest sympathies for you and your family.
on friday morning, sometime before noon, my former son-in-law [for lack of better term, for he and my daughter were never married], father and custodial parent of my middle granddaughter, was found dead of an overdose of pain-medication.
perhaps oxycontin, though i am unsure of the specific drug at the moment.. he was enduring pain from an accident with his moped [yes, he was lifetime license removed for drinking] that occurred a year or so back.
his shoulder was injured and he had a surgery scheduled soon.
I'm so sorry. Peace and healing to you and your family.