no flirting is not a sin technically. it is a no-no if you're in a committed relationship. but really flirting is not the sin. its the sin, that is the sin. if you go out and have a honkytonk good time with a gal or guy then its the great sex that is the sin and not the flirting. its like saying owning a gun is a sin because you could seriously harm someone with it. but until you actually take that gun, aim it at someone with intent and pull the trigger you have not sinned. same deal with flirting...if you aim your loaded gun and get it off then there's your sin. mind you in the day and age we live in, wild random sex is quite common and enjoyable if you take the proper precautions and is no longer really viewed as a sin as most people are no longer letting their lives be controlled by religion.
JoinedPosts by finallyfree!
Crazy Is Flirting a Sin? Q & A
by Iamallcool inchristianity -- christian living/is flirting a sinadvertisement.
expert: phillip senn - 10/10/2008.
Need tunes to play when my JW window cleaner is next here...
by highdose inas you may remember, i have a jw window cleaner, one who likes to whistle kingdoom melodies while he works.
drives me crazy!
so i put music on while hes here and it stops him.
if you are into electronics and mixing, you can get a sweet mix goin like "were jehovahs" mixed with snoop dogg. or perhaps "forward you witnesses" mixed with some metallica. i bet even the most seasoned jw will shake a leg.
Female Watchtower Lawyers and submission
by Lady Lee innow this has to be absurd.
they have a few female lawyers at patterson - well they did in 2003. christine benham.
connecticut michelle dickinson ossining nylisa douglas patterson, n.y.carolyn r. wah.
i remember at the age of 13 getting baptized and all of a sudden i found myself in situations where i was the only baptized brother with a bunch of mature sister. it was actually amusing seeing them all amongst themselves submitting so to speak to a 13 year old boy direct the service meeting and end in prayer. needless to say i was seriously put in a very embarrasing situation. but yep, basically if ur a sister who is waaaay more qualified, you basically have to "know your place " so to speak and concede to a kid with zero experience because its jehovahs arrangement. yah right.
facebook will be the end of me!!
by finallyfree! inso lately ive been getting friend requests from jw's who i knew from before i faded.
now my mom is on facebook and just sent a friend request, ya cant ignore your moms!.
i will accept her and this will probably be the end to my fade.
yeah good idea . maybe ill get my religion listed as mormon or jewish or something whack like that. lol! that should give em something to quack about!
Anyone else get stabbed in the back?
by WontLeave ini was a gung-ho advocate for jws.
i got on the message boards and would argue down any detractor, apostate, church pastor, disgruntled ex-jw, you name it... i was out in the ministry constantly, practically running from door to door, preaching.
i started studies left and right.
i was trapped into a jc for telling my abusive wife that i had enough of her bs and was leaving. the elders asked if they could offer some encouragement. last minute they call up a third elder and it turns into a jc without me even knowing whats goin on!!
elders are hypocrites on powertrips!
I have so much spiritual gas from that spolied so called spiritual food over the years...what should I take?
by Joliette ini need to get rid of it.. when i was a kid, the brothers would always get on stage and talk about what an abudant buffet of spiritual food from jehovah's table we will receive.
when i was a kid i use to take everything so literally, so i would imagine a buffet of ham, chicken, macncheese (the most creamy mac n cheese, candy yams, turkey, corn bread).
i used to wish that the brother would finish with the prayer so we could get to old county buffet, so i could get to the literal food.. .
what you need to do is relax and take a shit while reading the latest watchtower or awake. when done, bag the shit (paper bags rip and burn best) proceed to take the bag to your local kingdumb hell and just after the prayer, spark it up and lay a few knocks on the door. proceed to the nearest bushes and watch as elder knowitall and his ms cronies stomp the shit outta that bag. this should clear up that spiritual gas and even cure any spiritual constipation thats probably the root cause.
repeat until the spiritual gas is gone.
facebook will be the end of me!!
by finallyfree! inso lately ive been getting friend requests from jw's who i knew from before i faded.
now my mom is on facebook and just sent a friend request, ya cant ignore your moms!.
i will accept her and this will probably be the end to my fade.
thanks for the tips ladies and gents, but i think im gonna just see how it all plays out. like i said, i really could care less if my jw friends and family see pictures of me having a good ole time with my "real" friends. maybe it'll wake em up. im sick of having to put on the whole facade/ sherade of something im not!
if they really wanna be my friend then so be it. if they wanna step into my new life with my real friends and family and criticize, then they can literally eff off. i dont need or want their conditional love.
Jack Barr, immortal? More from the Watchtower of May 15, 2011
by dgp infirst and foremost, i would like to clarify that i am in no way making fun of jack barr.
he is dead and deserves respect.. .
that said, the organization he belonged to and led doesn't deserve any respect.
i bet i know why they are "immortalizing" all these governing body motherfockers....wait....wait.....cuz as these old farts really start dying off, then we'll have real kings to worship in heaven!!! nevermind jesus christ. we'll have all the bullshitters from new york all regrouped in heaven whom we can worship and give thanks to everyday!! and they can continue to direct the crooked wts business from heaven when theyre all dead. the worst part is that the rank and file jw would prolly eat it all up.
lol! just sayin.
facebook will be the end of me!!
by finallyfree! inso lately ive been getting friend requests from jw's who i knew from before i faded.
now my mom is on facebook and just sent a friend request, ya cant ignore your moms!.
i will accept her and this will probably be the end to my fade.
yeah i really dont care. lol! ive had the religion discussion with my folks before and i sent em both with their tales between their legs. they basically dont try to preach to me anymore as i have made it abundantly clear that i dont wanna be pissed on and told its raining. they got the point but told me that theyd have to do what they have to do if i get diffed. i said no problem, we all have to do what we gotta do. it sux tho cuz im close with my parents but i will not live a lie for their sakes. on the plus side, maybe their shunning tactic will backfire. like i toldem, "my door will always be open to non-believers" as long as you respect me for who i am and not what i believe"
by Hairyhegoat inreading about the mass amounts of money involved in all this acquisition of blocks of properties... in new york city no less, .
is so contrary to how the organization expects it's loyal "servants" to live their lives, .... it is shocking!!
these buildings are, for the most part (maybe all) renovated with free labour and then sold for great fortunes.
i wouldnt be surprised if a few elders pay for their suv's with the congregation cash. all that cash floating around in little boxes at assemblies and kh's. im sure jehovah wont mind, afterall brother bullshitter, and sister backstabber are using that suv to go out in field service...and who are we to judge?