JoinedTopics Started by nextdoorgirl
sneaky photo used in the new york magazine story
by Aussie Oz inanybody else notice this?.
disfellowshipping announcements
by asilentone inwhen they announced disfellowshipping of certain individuals in your congregation?
were you shocked?
tell me about it.
Update on my bible study - Current light is not always true!
by bohm inlast time at my bible study we talked about how critical a christian should be towards his/her religion, in what situations one should set his/her own doubts aside (like abraham, the israelities in the desert) and when one should stand up and leave (like a catholic who does not understand the trinity).
it was quite an interesting conversation.
he brought up romans 13:1-7 himself (the change in 'higher authorities') and i bit my tongue and did not mention the change in 1962 he knew of was actually a change back to a prior teaching.
Humerous new book re JW's about to be published.
by TheEndIsNigh ini'd really appreciate a few minutes of your time to have a look at my forthcoming book called : the end is nigh...again (but this time we really mean it.).
unlike many books about this subject it isn't dry or serious.
i've kept it light and aim to laugh at the craziness of that unlikely faith.
Did Jesus or Paul ever require hearers to check their brain at the door?
by nextdoorgirl inthe watchtower bible and tract society encourage their listeners to put implicit trust in them and obey blindly, but did jesus or paul ever use this approach?
check brains and coats at the door..
Generation & "Even when you don't understand/feel uncomfortable with it..."
by nextdoorgirl ini had been getting my hope up that this new generation teaching wouldn't make sense and cause my jw friends and family to wake up.i even asked my mom to explain the new generation teaching, but she didn't even know what i meant!
slept through that meetin'?
anyway, i had to tell her the march 15 wt, (which i studied thanks to the comments provided here on this wonderful board!
Help! Hold Me Back From Voicing My Opinions And Getting Shunned!
by nextdoorgirl ini am new to this board after lurking for awhile (thanks so much for creating this place simon, and for everyone's shared thoughts!).
i am going crazy because i have recently allowed myself to begin thinking (and it is so fun!
) and i am an outspoken person, and it is very hard for me to keep my opinions and discoveries about this place under my hat!
Mr. Flipper Talks with Bethel Legal Service Desk Rep About JW Child Abuse
by flipper inwell - i had been wanting to do this for a long time , to question a legal department representative at bethel about the child abuse settlements and jw child abuse, since last year when the news came out about it.
especially since my dad , an elder for years was never aware of it and has on his own taken steps to see that families with children are informed if a former pedophile is in their congregation.
i was curious as to what the current views and policies in place are .
Milah, Periah, and Messisa
by PrimateDave inmilah, periah, and messisa: these are the different kinds of circumcision as practiced historically in judaism.
this post is not meant to debate the issue of infant circumcision or the issue of whether health benefits can be derived from this practice.
so, please do not cut and paste wads of information claiming that it prevents aids or other stds.