If God can read our hearts, why does he need an additional 144,000 creatures in heaven along with the already existing myriads of angels, to assist Jesus in separating the sheep from the goats? Is there any scriptural answer for this that you know of?
JoinedPosts by exwhyzee
Why 144,000 ?
by exwhyzee inif god can read our hearts, why does he need an additional 144,000 creatures in heaven along with the already existing myriads of angels, to assist jesus in separating the sheep from the goats?
is there any scriptural answer for this that you know of?.
We are not prophesying ; we are merely giving our surmises
by Mythbuster inwe are not prophesying ; we are merely giving our surmises, the scriptural basis for which is already in the hands of our readers in the six volumes of scripture studies.
we do not even aver that there is no mistake in our interpretation of prophecy and our calculations of chronology.
we have merely laid these before you, leaving it for each to exercise his own faith or doubt in respect to them ; but showing our own faith by our works.. zion's watch tower, january 1, 1908, page 5.
Hey Leavingwt.....a picture paints a thousand words....your said it all. That's a keeper !
Post Armageddon---- Party at the Kingdom Hall
by cameo-d injust in your wildest imagination...... armageddon has come and gone.
all the jws were safe in their tomb-like halls.
it's party time now.. without any pagans to admonish, no more literature to hand out....do you think the jws will miss it?
At our Hall, that dance move was called the S.D.O.F. "Shakin' the dust off yer' feet" It was the only one we were allowed to do. There was also a slow dance version where you danced face to face, but you had to keep an AID BOOK's distance between you and your partner. ( kidding )
The Issue is Not that God WANTS Us to Suffer...
by AGuest indear ones.
rather, it is our adversary who says we will do anything... anything... to avoid it.
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. even curse god to his face.
The Issue is not that God WANTS Us to Suffer. dear ones. He does NOT. Rather, it is our Adversary who says we will do anything... ANYTHING... to AVOID it.
A-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. Even curse God to His face. Sadly,
he may be right.
AGuest (may you get a clue) God cursed mankind and the punishment he handed down was a life of suffering and eventual death. Does going to a Doctor, having surgery, getting dental work done or taking medicine mean we are pleasing Satan by trying to avoid suffering...avoid our punishment?
Of course God wanted us to suffer...and he went out of his way to make sure it happened.
Were the Dinosuars on Noahs Ark? Watch. 1973 = Yes!!!
by Witness 007 inwatch.
1973 july 15 p.7 "questions from readers.
when did the dinosuars become extinct?".
Noah would have had to store enough fresh water to last him, his family, and all the animals aboard for a year. The volume of water that would have been needed would have reduced the amount of space for the animals.
Speaking of water.... when the PH level of the water in an aquarium changes too drastically , the fish die. When the oceans filled with rain water and rose to heights great enough to cover the mountains, what happened to all the fish and sea life that depend on an extremly briney environment to survive?
As for drinking water, all the passengers of the Ark were issued giant drinking straws. Whenever they were thirsty, they simply leaned overboard and had a slurp ! The elephants were trained to fetch water using their trunks and they keep all the water troughs filled for the rest of the animals. For bathing, they simply lowered sea sponges overboard washed with them and thus the sponge bath was invented.
What silly rules did your congregation make up?
by weinermcgee inelders were famous for making up stupid rules with no bible base at all as an ego trip i guess, what were some of yours?
i am not talking about the stupid rules that we all had to follow, just the congregation specific silly ones.. 1. having to button your jacket while on stage (this was later changed due to all the elders having a beer gut).
2. suits only or no privledges.
At one point in my hall, teenagers between 15 and 19 had to sit in the first two rows during the Wt study and were required to answer the qestions that were assigned to them befoerhand.
If you had a two door car, you weren't putting the kingdom first because two doors weren't practicle in service.
If you wore a nice leather jacket with a tie and slacks, you were considered rebellious.
The hem of the sisters skirts must touch the floor when she was kneeling position. If it didn't touch the floor, the skirt was too short.
For those who were partakers
by mamalove inwhat made you think you were supposed to drink the wine and eat the bread?
if you left the org, did you still feel like you were going to heaven?.
We all have a story to tell in the building up of the body of Christ. We shall soon be united with him in glory and we shall claim our reward.
Reward for doing what??
Virtue is it's own reward.
Grandma died this morning...satan sucks
by Joliette inthis is what a jw's said on her facebook page this morning?
i was like, soooo, satan caused your grandmother to die?.
That would be the person who stabbed me, there fault? Am I correct?
I would think so, it's difficult to hold an inanimate object responsible for the actions of a person with free will. I mean if I jammed a couple of marshmallows up your nose and you suffocated you couldn't blame Kraft Foods. If there is a God and he created the individual who became Satan (if he ever existed) You couldn't blame God for Satan choosing to use his life to do wrong. Especially when there were myriads of these same creatures ( if its true) who managed to live according to their creators wishes.
On the other hand you could blame God for deciding that the best way to handle the Satan, Adam and Eve situation, was to curse billions who were yet to be born, rather than punish the individual(s) at fault. It doesn't make sense that he would do that.
Grandma died this morning...satan sucks
by Joliette inthis is what a jw's said on her facebook page this morning?
i was like, soooo, satan caused your grandmother to die?.
The inventor is responsible because the gun or airplane wouldnt be here if it werent for them designing it.
The airplane or gun didnt ask to be here...
If I jam a pencil in your eye, is it the inventor's fault that you are blind or is it mine ?
Grandma died this morning...satan sucks
by Joliette inthis is what a jw's said on her facebook page this morning?
i was like, soooo, satan caused your grandmother to die?.
Witnesses don't hold God responsible for sin even though he created Satan. They reason that this would be like blaming the inventor of the airplane for the deaths caused by the military choosing to use airplanes to drop bombs on people or blaming the inventor of the gun for all the people who get shot.
By creating life itself...God (if he exists) automatically made it possible for the opposite, death. to exist or be a possibility. By creating gravity, he made it possible for people to fall over cliffs or for things to fall on people. By creating eyesight...he made blindness possible. The only way to be blameless is to have not done anything.
The thing I don't get is why he would curse billions of people yet unborn, for the mistakes of two individuals rather than end the problem there and then. If I punished my sons by damaging their bodies to the extent their children would be effected ...I would be considered a sick-o.
I don't believe any of this ever happened. If there is a God, I think he is greatly misunderstood.