Oliver Clozeoff
Sy Smatters
Anita Bath
be creative.
have some fun.
Oliver Clozeoff
Sy Smatters
Anita Bath
okay, so we finally decided that we are moving.
this is the plan we are contemplating:.
attend new congregation for one month (go to all the meeting with wt studied in brilliant colours etc.).
I do understand your dilema but my first thought is that it's best for you to be honest and straight forward in your part of this dilema rather than lowering yourself by playing at scheming games. You are an adult and a parent. I don't mean run and spill your guts to them, you owe them no explainations. If you want back "in" .....fine but if you ultimately want to be gone, you are most of the way there already. Going to all this touble to get what you want seems sort of "High School" and to me worse than whatever it was that got you DF'd in the first place. Why are you allowing them to force you stoop to this extreme level ? Who's life is it anyway?
does anybody remember the old apostate guy they called mr. coffee?
back in the late 80s when i was at brooklyn he would dress in a suit, have a book bag, and come and stand in front of the 124 bldg or sometimes over by the towers hotel.
he'd easily put in auxillary pioneer hours.
Yes, I remember Mr. Coffee. He kinda reminded me of Danny Devito. One day as we were all filing into the 124 building for lunch, he was out there as usual shouting his face off. This time a neighborhood lady was walking by with a little ankle biter type dog on a leash. All of his shouting must have startled the dog because he started barking and biting at Mr.Coffee's heels. Much to the delight of the crowd of Bethelites on the sidewalk, Mr. Coffee hopped around trying not to get bitten.
If you listened to him closely you realized that he was using phrases that individually made sense but none of them tied together into any kind of specific point other than he was really mad at the Watchtower. The rumor I heard was that he was thrown out because of something that happened between he and sister Knorr (pffft...of course ) his advances toward her were spurned etc and he got the boot.
Where else would you see such a sight like that other than at a JW Assembly. I don't think any other religion provokes such reactions from it's former members.
i have been doing a lot of thinking and...for some reason i keep saying to myself i should write a letter of dissociation...however at the same time i think its just a waste of time.
so i made a to do or not to do list.. i still cant make up my mind... so i thought i should show the list to everyone and maybe you guys could add to the list things i may be taking into account... thanks... .
not to mail the letter.
You can do all the things listed on your "TO" list without writing a letter that will do nothing except make you feel better short term, but will end in your losing more that just the years you've spent on this so far.
Just play it cool...your leaving isn't an emergency. If you do it right, they might not even notice. We left after being "in" our whole lives, 30+ years of regular attencance in the same hall. It took 2 years for the elders to notice we hadn't been there and to come by our house with the C.O. I always tell people to behave like the British Royal Family does when faced with contorversy. They never complain, never offer any explainations, they make no excuses or apologies for themselves. This way they remain somewhat mysterious and maintain a certain mystique that keeps them from groveling at the feet of their critics. No one knows what they really think about anything so they have no amunition to use against them. Their accusers go away and leave them alone and the whole thing blows over and they go on as normal.
Show up at the Hall once in awhile...practice being very vague and giving blank looks. Offer no concrete answers as to your whereabouts during the meetings and assemblies. You owe them nothing but remember, they are prepared to make you pay big time for not playing the game anymore.
hey there folks,.
i remember some time ago there was a wonderfully written website which dealt with jehovah's witness children specific type of suppression causing a higher number of very creative children than other religious forms of suppression.
i was wondering if anyone remembered what this link was?.
If JW kids are extra creative, I know from growing up as one during the 1975 years, its because extra creativity likely was developed as a coping mechanisim much like an abused child developes multiple personalities. In order to cope with what I was being taught about the tribulation and those who would be destroyed at Armegeddon, like my own Father, I spent many a night thinking up all kinds of creative scenarios as to how I would save him and my little sisters during the tribulation. It was the only way I could calm myself. My brother completly blanked himself off...wouldn't even respond during our family study or at meetings...as if he removed himself mentally from the situation.
I think things have gotten better for JW kids (hopefully) as I don't think people really believe it like they used to back in the day.The boy creid wolf too many times. There are more born in's now that are going with the flow and gloss over most of the realities of what their religion is teaching. They see the big chunks and don't pay attention to anything that seems a bit too out there.
i can't see myself not attending.
i would feel horrible not to go.
i don't know where i'm going to land and if i had to look back and think i didn't go... well, i would feel awful..
The last Memorial talk I went to was given by a Bethelite that our hall paid to have flown in from NY to the west coast. If I hadn't already known what he was talking about....I wouldn't have had a clue as to what the whole thing was about. Mispronunciations, momotone voice, ramblings that seemed to lead nowhere. There were two 19/20 year old girls sitting in front of me that were visitors invited by someone in our Cong. During exceptionally muddled portions of the talk,they would look at eachother quizzically and shrug their shoulders. I knew they were completly baffeled by the whole thing. As I said, I would have been too, had I not been a life long JW. I leaned over to my wife and asked her if she could follow what he was saying. She normally would never say anything negative about anything done at the Hall but this time I could tell she was starting to see something different about this religion we had been raised in.
Afterward the Sister these girls came with , started taking flash photos of them holding her grandbaby and making a big deal out of it being the baby's first memorial as if it was a milestone in his life. I remember the sisters always dressing up, some with hats, long dresses and wearing corsages etc. 2000 plus years later, the wine and the bread are still being passed around to an audience that doesn't take any of it. It struck me as how odd the whole thing was. At the same time our DF'd son who was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks after being DF'd, was going through Chemotherapy and was sitting by us sick as a dog, his thick head of hair gone and his Mom and I not sure if this would be his last Memorial or if he would survive. 200+ people who he had known since his birth were shunning him with all their might while celebrating Jesus death and ransom for our sins. It was the last straw for me....I knew there was something really wrong with this arrangement. It took his Mom another two years before she could loose the supersticion about missing the Memorial that had been part of our indoctrination since birth. She has dropped it completly and has adjusted so well unlike me who is still mourning somewhat, the years I lost and the hurt for having trusted for so long.
do you participate in any other forum discussions?.
what other websites do you find interesting?.
Do you participate in any other forum discussions?
What other websites do you find interesting?
the april km in the "question box" ask "how long should we.
study with a progressive bible student?".
it says that there are "two publications that need to be completed.
I can see the value in keeping track of the time spent in the Ministry in order to quantify what is being accomplished statistically. I think the problem comes when individuals are required to put their name on a time card and when someone else can use this number as a barometer of this persons worth as a Chrisitan or his devotion to God. It puts pressure on the individual and can make the quantity of the time service the primary factor and the counting of time overly important.
Our Hall had the "Phantom Publisher" who turned in time but didn't put their name on the time card. I don't know if they added his/her time to the Cong. total.
i have a question.
if jws are a cult, what is the motivation of the leaders?
what are they getting out of controlling all these people?.
I think the members of the Governing Body, who likely were "born in" or long time JW's, are themselves "victims" of the cult or captive to a concept. The orginization has taken on a life of its own and is inperpetual motion. The current Witnesses are just continuing with what was started long ago by individuals who for what ever reason, good or evil, convinced enough people to buy into the program and the rest is history. Children were born "in" and convinced since birth that they would die at Armegeddon if they didn't do what they were told. They grew up and did the same to their children and some of those children became Governing Body Members, CO's. etc.
Why would they want to change an arrangement where they believe they are showing the rest of the world the error of it's ways while at the same time they themselves are living a lifestyle that includes job security, being revered by millions around the world, all expenses paid world travel for showing up and telling the multitudes what they could read in the Bible themselves for free. It's a heck of a deal and it will continue as long as they can provide a happy ending at end of a 192 page publication.
so it goes in life...........
I thought she was very glamouous of course but a little overly groomed and made up looking for my taste, but that was the style then. My young sons cant even fathom how she was even considered beautiful....shows you how ones idea of beauty is shaped by the times you were living in while forming such ideals.
I think she will be resurrected...after all, the only opportunity she had to learn the "truth" was from Michael Jackson and who could blame her for not responding favorably ?? (kidding)
Too bad things were so rough for her at the end....sorry to see her go,