It was a hot New York afternoon and I walked in to my room and saw my new room mate (who I hadn't met yet) laying on his bed in only his boxers. From what I could tell, he was having an erotic dream because his "little Bethelite " was out and having a look around and seemed to like what it was seeing. I quietly backed out of the room and shut the door softly. I waited a minute then knocked loudly and waited a tic so he would have a chance to wake up and put things away.
Another time I was at the Bethel pool. (more like a very large hot tub) I was by myself until Bro. Sydlik came and got in the pool as well. (old guy in a bathing suit ewww) I knew him from sitting at the GB table so we sort of just nodded to eachother and didn't say anyting. (awkward) Then the door to the mens changing room opened and a guy walked out stark naked. He looked completly exhausted as if he was sleep walking. He climbed in the water but as he lowered himself into the water he suddenly realized he didn't have anything on. He quickly went back in the changing room and Bro. Sydlik followed him. I could hear Sydlik giving him a lecture in a raised tone. Sydlik came back but the other guy never returned. I didn't know where to look or what to say (even more awkward)
One evening at dinner time a guy suddenly burst through the double swinging doors into the dining room swinging his arms and bookbag in the air shouting " I'M GOING OUT IN SERVICE IN HARLEM....ANYONE WHO WANTS TO GO WITH ME...COME ON !!" A couple of brothers grabbed him under the arms and dragged him kicking and screaming out of there backwards....he was never seen again. By the time I had been there a few weeks, the Bethel laundry had shrunk all of my clothes and underear. (hot water and industrial dryers) I replaced what I could afford to replace and was determined this wouldn't happen again. I started doing my own laundry in the regular washing machine and dryer they had in the basement. I had my stuff on washing and was sitting there reading and waiting when a middle aged "sister" came in to the laundry room with her basket of clothes and was pissed that the machine was in use. She opened up the washer and just took my soapy wet stuff out an threw it in a laundry cart and put her things in the machine. I protested, but I was a lowly "newboy" so she completly ignored me as if I wasn't there. Being new and young, I didn't know if she was the wife of somebody important and I didn't want to make waves....boy I'd love to have that happen now !