In Black and White I especially like beating the shit out of the creature, the effects are great; like when you knock his feet out from under him it looks really realistic.
JoinedPosts by julien
Why does heartless god always choose 'continue?'
by bboyneko invideo-game character wondering why heartless god always chooses 'continue' .
orangeburg, sc--solid snake, tactical-espionage expert and star of playstation's "metal gear solid," questioned the nature of the universe monday when, moments after his 11th death in two hours, a cruel god forced him to "continue" his earthly toil and suffering.. .
" asked snake, hiding in a storage locker while two masked guards searched for him in the hold of a cargo ship.
Concerning Simplicity
by dunsscot ini'll be back later to take care of brother larc and others.
for now, i want to share a brief quote taken from albert einstein.
if the doctor fouls up the quote, he takes full responsibility for any legal ramifications that may append thereto.
Rolf is an accomplished linguist
Is that like being a cunning linguist?
Working on a Logical Problem
by dunsscot indear good people of,.
i am sitting in my office working on a problem and i need your help.
do you think that these sentences are true?.
Did I mention that I am great and everyone thinks so because they told me so, and then one time all these companies wanted to hire me for my awesome programming skillz, I wasn't even out of the womb yet, but they new eye had potential.. So for all you doubters: I 0WN J00
ps. all the women I know also want me, they also think I am really smart in every field ever invented and they also have heard rumor of my lovemaking prowess.
Oh PS I keep my identity secret here not because the organization I am defending would spank me for being here, it is actually because of naughty bad men (a.k.a. "nuts") who want to spam my mailbox (GASP) as I'm sure we all have experienced before..
Are't You Sick of This??
by Explorer inaren't you sick of being filled with so much hate ?
i think hate is one of the greatest sins.
satan hates jehovah, and his people.
To expand on what RedhorseWoman said, I think the vast majority of people who leave do so not because an individual JW harmed them, but the organization or its policies did. Some even leave without being harmed, just because they can't in good conscience support the JW system -- be it doctrine, legalism, conditional love, judicial matters, etc.
Also I think that people who are not normally 'angry' or 'bitter' toward the society (ie 'welladjusted, happy, exjws') often become so temporarily here because of discussions that go on. Of course this applies to JWs also who experience the other side of these sometimes heated discussions.
Silentlambs and Signifiers that Signify Nothing
by dunsscot incall me a neopositivist, a semi-verificationist or semi-falsificationist, but the claims made by "silentlambs" reminds me of the shakespearean line that was quoted in the creator book published by the wtbts.
that is, the contentions of silentlambs seem like much "sound and fury" that in truth signify nothing.
i am of course referring to the supposed dateline show and the claims made about some members of the gb of jehovah's witnesses.
So called Dunscott, you have nicely obscured the real issue, which is that the WBTS has a policy which can result in harm to children. Letters from HQ have shown that in the case of confessed pedophiles, when state law allows it, the sexual crime can be kept secret.
Does the society believe that these crimes should *always* be kept confidential? No, because in states where required they will report it to the authorities. We know they have no qualms about instructing R&F to break the law if they think it conflicts with "God's law (as interpereted by 2/3 of the GB)".
So revealing a sex offender to the authorities is not against God's law, yet it is only done when required. I don't think anyone would disagree that it is the best way to protect the victim and possible future victims. Why then is it not the policy of the society to always report these sex predators even when not required by law?
Dunscott do you think that allowing a 'repentant' man who has groped and fondled and gotten off on a helpless child should be protected by priest-penitent confidentiality? Would you like pedophiles to be working with your child in service? "hanging out" .. and you with no knowledge of his past? You think 'repentant' pedophiles never strike again?? Perhaps the next time you meet one you can send your child to the movies with him. Maybe a chat with ol' duscott will help him out.. you can tell him about what various philosophers think and then the two of you can bow down to the god-watchtower while chanting the mantra 'gods chosen people gods chosen people gods chosen people'..
I still think are a bethel committee..
Silentlambs and Signifiers that Signify Nothing
by dunsscot incall me a neopositivist, a semi-verificationist or semi-falsificationist, but the claims made by "silentlambs" reminds me of the shakespearean line that was quoted in the creator book published by the wtbts.
that is, the contentions of silentlambs seem like much "sound and fury" that in truth signify nothing.
i am of course referring to the supposed dateline show and the claims made about some members of the gb of jehovah's witnesses.
Hot diddly!
Let's play checkers and sing kingdom melodies..
Silentlambs and Signifiers that Signify Nothing
by dunsscot incall me a neopositivist, a semi-verificationist or semi-falsificationist, but the claims made by "silentlambs" reminds me of the shakespearean line that was quoted in the creator book published by the wtbts.
that is, the contentions of silentlambs seem like much "sound and fury" that in truth signify nothing.
i am of course referring to the supposed dateline show and the claims made about some members of the gb of jehovah's witnesses.
So what's left?
I was thinking exactly the same thing. "I do not see much common ground between myself and others on this board.." I am thinking he is more of a Ned Flanders type of guy, and this board is his Homer Simpson.
I'm beginning to wonder if you're much more than an academic parrot.
Which is why I keep saying Duncecap er dunscott is a committee at Bethel, possibly even some sort of philosophical expert system AI program they are using to impress scared JW lurkers.
Oklee Diddly Do!
For a skeptical angle on all this, see
Silentlambs and Signifiers that Signify Nothing
by dunsscot incall me a neopositivist, a semi-verificationist or semi-falsificationist, but the claims made by "silentlambs" reminds me of the shakespearean line that was quoted in the creator book published by the wtbts.
that is, the contentions of silentlambs seem like much "sound and fury" that in truth signify nothing.
i am of course referring to the supposed dateline show and the claims made about some members of the gb of jehovah's witnesses.
Must I remind you all that Dunscott is not a person, it is a comittee at Bethel designed to show the JW lurkers that some intelligent (read: high falutin) folks are JWs, therefor it is not necessary to read any of these various topics and arguments on this board.. Just accept the fact that if Dunscott believes it is the truth, it must be right becuase he talks with a lot of big hard words.
You can do anything at zombocom.. anything at all.. the only limit is yourself..
You can do anything at zombocom.. the only limit is yourself