Irrational as in cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
JoinedPosts by julien
This web site, your comments as evidence
by joelbear inin the case of silent lambs versus the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.. did you ever think that discussing these cases here accompanied by your vitriole against all things watchtower could be used to:.
1. show that ex jehovahs witnesses harbor such a hatred for the watchtower society that they will say anything to discredit them.. 2. show that there is a network of ex jehovahs witnesses that may have helped to create these abuse accusations in the alledged victims' minds or at least have encouraged them, even unwittingly, to exaggerate their claims.. i guarantee you that the watchtower society has documented every word anyone here has said, especially on this issue.
i can easily see a defense team using it to, if not exonerate accused molesters and the watchtower society, to at least create a reasonable doubt regarding their guilt.. if your hatred of the watchtower causes you to join in irrational behavior and accusations, you have to contemplate the fact that you may be adding to the future grief of any real victims.. i present this for your thoughtful consideration.. as always, i wish all here peace.. joel
How much can I take????
by patio34 ini don't know how much more of this i can take here in southern california!!!.
it's 72 degrees and sunny----again!!!.
gotta love those santa anas patio eh
julien in T.O.
This web site, your comments as evidence
by joelbear inin the case of silent lambs versus the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.. did you ever think that discussing these cases here accompanied by your vitriole against all things watchtower could be used to:.
1. show that ex jehovahs witnesses harbor such a hatred for the watchtower society that they will say anything to discredit them.. 2. show that there is a network of ex jehovahs witnesses that may have helped to create these abuse accusations in the alledged victims' minds or at least have encouraged them, even unwittingly, to exaggerate their claims.. i guarantee you that the watchtower society has documented every word anyone here has said, especially on this issue.
i can easily see a defense team using it to, if not exonerate accused molesters and the watchtower society, to at least create a reasonable doubt regarding their guilt.. if your hatred of the watchtower causes you to join in irrational behavior and accusations, you have to contemplate the fact that you may be adding to the future grief of any real victims.. i present this for your thoughtful consideration.. as always, i wish all here peace.. joel
I think that the point of this thread is not that you are worried about child abuse cases being harmed by threads here (in fact I'll bet you don't believe there is any abuse problem); the real issue here is that you can't stand people hating your beloved watchtower system or voicing that hate, so you are grasping at any way you can see that could in some small way punish people for it.
You remind me exactly of the roomate I had at the time I left the so called truth. Not that it is important but he was secretly gay. When I left he was really upset; he instigated arguments, so I argued freely.. He eventually read CoC and Christian Freedom, maybe some others. Stopped going to meetings etc. Not for long though, eventually he decided to go back. He said something along the lines of "I know there are any number of problems with ___,___,__ etc. But somehow I just know its true despite that." Translation: "I am emotionally attached to the org and this belief system. I want desparately for it to be true, therefore it must be true."
Dave Thomas - Biggie Fries & Biggie Shake!
by Utopian Reformist inwendy's founder dave thomas dies.
by mark williams, associated press writer .
columbus, ohio (ap) - dave thomas, the portly pitchman whose homespun ads built wendy's old-fashioned hamburgers into one of the world's most successful fast-food enterprises, has died.
I was about to say the same thing larc... talk about going off on a tangent.. I will miss seeing Dave Thomas in his commercials.. he was quite a fellow.. Also Wendy's is my favorite fast food..
What's the Deal On Deactivating?
by Bud insorry if this is the wrong forum for this question.
it just doesn't seem like one for the technical support.. dumb question?
what's the big deal having your registration to post "deactivated" on this board?.
It's the cyber equivalent of leaving in a huff..
A Beautiful Mind
by messenger inthe little girl stands for your family within the organization all the attempts they will make to encourage you to come back and have their approval if you will just submit.
the best friend represents all those that you grew up with in the organization, people you have known all your life, those who you may see once a year at the district convention who rush up to you and are so happy to see you, they make you feel secure and a part of something.
the government agent symbolizes the organization that has desperate need of your services.
I thought it was an above average movie, but Russell Crowe's accent was beyond terrible. Sometimes you couldn't even tell what he was saying.
I thought he sounded like judge Herman Munster in My Cousin Vinny..
Yesterday's Watchtower Study
by RunningMan inyesterday's watchtower study appears to have revealed a little.
bit of new light.. there is a scripture in psalm 91:7,8 that speaks about 1000's falling.
at your side.
and in the comments, at least three times the statement was made "Satan relly wants to kill the anointed who are already in heaven, but since he can't he is after the anointed remnant here on earth."
Yet another example of the JWs poorly conceived and primitive (actually, inherited from primitives) ideas about Satan. The notion that any of these spirit beings, if they existed, would give a rat's ass about any of us humans is ridiculous. Why would Satan want to go after the remnant on earth? Killing them just results in them going to heaven. Persecution just results in strengthening of their resolve -- it doesn't work. JWs (and other fundies) have this picture of these super powerful beings, but they all act like a bunch of petty ignorant humans. Same with ideas like worship and animal sacrifice from the OT.. Some human despot may want those things, but I seriously doubt that any being powerful and advanced enough to create the universe would.
Angelic Female Voices
by TR ini re-discovered annie haslam after having listened to her on a new age station years ago.
i just downloaded several tunes, and am in love all over again.. now, i'm a hard rocker by nature it seems, but there's a few artists like annie haslam and enya that just make me melt.. any others out there i should know about?.
Lisa Gerrard solo or in Dead can Dance
Do we all (X-dubs) have this? I sometimes get this 'Spidey sense' like warning when JWs are around. Sorry if it has been discussed before.
American Words Unused Here. Vice-Versa Also.
by Englishman inin the uk you never hear words such as:.
heheh thanks for the xlations -- I should have already known most of them from watching The Young Ones so many times but it being new year's morning and all...