Proper grammar and word usage...The difference between "knowing your shit" and "knowing you're shit." Big difference. Its been stated. So THEIR.
writing and speaking is all about communication.. if we are casually engaged the level of precision vanishes.
simple ideas=simplified language.. but, as we attempt to convey accuracy, specificity and numerical precision--what then?
without a clear standard is proper communication headed for extinction?.
Proper grammar and word usage...The difference between "knowing your shit" and "knowing you're shit." Big difference. Its been stated. So THEIR.
these questions have no right or wrong answers.
but, if you'd like to answer any of them i think it could be interesting to hear what you have to say!
how old would you be if you didnt know how old you are?
I don't think that I'll try to answer EVERY question, but some that "hit home" with me, that resonate, I'll try that: How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? For me, about 700 years old. I honestly feel that I've been through at least 7 lifetimes, each lasting 100 years, what with all the crap that I've had to go through. When will it ever end???
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? STOP RIGHT THERE, KID! Don't get any older than you are right now. End it all now. It doesn't get any better from here on out. YOu'll live to regret getting any older, you really will.
How come the things that make you happy don't make everyone happy? I don't know that anything DOES make me happy anymore.
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? Go into hibernation---for the next 50 to 60 years. That's right, there are times that I just want to "turn off" to all reality, and hibernate in a cave somewhere, and not awaken and arise until 50 or 60 years have passed, and THEN see what the world has become. But, for the next 50 years or so, I'm "gettin' out of Dodge".
Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? Yeah, probably...such as my cynicism, my jaded-ness, my anhedonic tendencies, my skeptcism.
Do you feel like you've lived this day a hundred times before? Well, maybe not THIS particular day, but this lifetime, yeah...a hundred times or more.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living? I suppose that "being alive" is existing and going through the motions; truly living is have passion, enthusiasm, excitement, which is what I no longer have...that's where my anhedonia kicks in.
There, that's all that I'll comment on at this time.
..... you to stop attending ?
injustices ?
disagree with the teachings ?
For me, it's been about 24 years since last attending any meetings on a regular basis. Oh, I've been to a few Memorials since then, but very few and far between. Now, as to what caused that? It was coming to the full, complete realization that the entire "belief system" of the JWs was NOT doing anything for me. It wasn' simply wasn't. And, I realized that THAT was the result of realizing that I simply have no spiritual hunger, no spiritual cravings, no spiritual yearnings, that NEED to be satisfied, or satiated by ANY religious belief system, any religious belief structure. Looking back in retrospect, I suppose that I didn't inherit what some people call the "god gene", the so-called gene that makes some people want to reach out and connect with some kind of deity (that may, or may not exist), or "super-natural" presence. 73 to one and all.
mr. flipper: a personal word of thanks to've influenced me in the way that i sign off the air with my fellow amateur radio operators.
i've mentioned this before, about a year ago, that i'm a licensed ham radio operator.
it is typical, standard procedure, to sign off the air, after having had a conversation with a fellow ham, to say "73"---which means, basically, "best regards".
Mr. Flipper: A personal word of thanks to've influenced me in the way that I sign off the air with my fellow Amateur Radio operators. I've mentioned this before, about a year ago, that I'm a licensed Ham Radio Operator. It is typical, standard procedure, to sign off the air, after having had a conversation with a fellow Ham, to say "73"---which means, basically, "Best Regards". Now, I've gotten into the habit of saying, 73...and Peace Out! You've had an influence on me, Sir. Just thought I'd let you know. I had never heard that expression before, until perusing this Website/Forum. But, now, it's part of my expressions in Ham Radio!
58 at the current time.
i just wanted to take a survey.
let's not let this get into the same old same old debate of atheism vs belief.
just respond with "atheist" or "believer" or "maybe god exists".
Agnostic. I'll put it this way...Maybe there is a "god" ("deity", "supreme being", "first cause"), maybe there isn't. Who knows, who cares? I don't care either way. But, I tend to be of this mindset: "God" is just a word (in the English language) that is used to substitute for a concept---a concept in the minds of human beings. "God" is just a figment of the imagination of humans. Nothing more, nothing less.
some avatars and screen names are pretty self explanatory, but some...i can't figure out.
i just wanted to know why you chose your particular screen name and/or avatar.
mine is easy enough.
Well, I think that I responded to a similar question from someone about a year ago---by whom, I don't remember now! But, I'll try to explain this again. My avatar---well, the avatar is one that was randomly assigned to me by the JWN Website, as still a lot of people have done. (I don't even really know how to insert my own avatar of choosing---there's still a lot things that I don't know about computers & Websites, after all these years!) But, about the "screen name", titch. Well, Titch is in honor of a fellow from the U.K., named Richard. Several years ago, on the Internet, I came across a series of Richard's prolific, highly-detailed stories that he wrote for another Website. Those stories are about a certain genre of human activity that he participated in when he was about 12-13 years old, in the 1960s, with similar young persons of his age. (Nothing immoral or illegal, mind you, just "out-of-the-ordinary") And, that certain genre of human activity has come to be known with the acronym of TUGs. Now, what are TUGs? I cannot reveal what it might be. Some of you might know---if you do, great! Some of you might NOT know, and if that's the case, you'll have to figure it out for yourself. But, yes, this fellow Richard, who wrote those great stories, was given the nick-name, by his relatives, of "Titch." ANd, MY middle name is Richard. Thus, my choice of a "screen name" for this site. Now, if you want a clue as to what "TUGs" are, well I'll give you a couple, with abbreviations for them... Think of the child-hood games of "C&R"
or, "C&I". Sorry to be so vague and clandestine, but I'll leave it up to you from here! It might or might not, leaving you pondering for a while!
so, is there anyone in the l.a. basin area who saw the space shuttle endeavour and its nasa boeing747 transport, as it made its way over southern california today?
or, for that matter, anywhere over california?
i saw it, from the parking lot of a hotel, directly across the street from disneyland, as it crossed over disneyland.
Farkel: Great that you had the experience; Leolaia: GREAT picture!!
so, is there anyone in the l.a. basin area who saw the space shuttle endeavour and its nasa boeing747 transport, as it made its way over southern california today?
or, for that matter, anywhere over california?
i saw it, from the parking lot of a hotel, directly across the street from disneyland, as it crossed over disneyland.
So, is there anyone in the L.A. Basin area who saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour and its NASA Boeing747 transport, as it made its way over Southern California today? Or, for that matter, anywhere over California? I saw it, from the parking lot of a hotel, directly across the street from Disneyland, as it crossed over Disneyland. It seems there was a lot of "observation parties" all over Los Angeles and Orange counties, waiting to see it.
i work at a major airline in the in-flight training department.
i was sitting at the desk on the computer, i kid you not... writing the security (hijacking) curriculum for 2002, when someone came in and told me a plane flew into the wtc.
we all thought it was one of our planes.
Well, on that morning, I was in bed, sleeping, and I didn't hear ANYTHING about the events of that day until several hours after the major events had taken place. A little background: Back in 2001, the country was very much in an economic recession, then. I had been laid off from a company in late June of 2001, and during the following months, I was unable to find ANYTHING, as far as gainful employment. I think that in August, I had an interview at ONE company, and one only, during that time. So, I was essentially un-employed, and searching for work. Now, IF---and I do mean IF---I had gainful employment to go to that morning, I suppose that my clock radio would have been set to around 6:00 a.m., and I would have heard the news of the events of the morning on some talk station or news station. But, I didn't. So, to me, it was just another morning, as usual, not getting up an an early hour. So, how did I find out about the events of that day? As I've mentioned before on this site, I am a licensed Amateur Radio operator, and in addition to my Ham radio transceivers, I have a couple of radio scanners that are able to tune in to Ham radio repeaters. When I woke up that morning, I turned on one of my scanners, tuned to a local repeater here in Southern California, and heard a couple of Hams talking about what had happened, and one of them said that he was keeping his own kids out of school that day, based upon what happened in NYC. Huh? WHAT had happened in New York City today, I thought? With that I finally turned on the TV to see just what he was talking about. And, it was then, several hours after major events had happened, that I knew. And, I heard that the FAA had ordered ALL civilian aircraft in the U.S. grounded. I live a few miles away from a major airport, John Wayne Airport, and later that day, I took my camera to a business complex that is just outside the airport boundary. It was rather surreal to see all of the airliners, that HAD been set to take off, early that morning, all lined up on the taxiways, abandoned. I took some pictures of that, as there was probably about 10 to 15 airliners lined up. And, I remember seeing a large "X" next to the taxiways, indicating that the airport was indeed, closed, to all aircraft operations. It was rather strange for the next few days, while aircraft operations were shut down, to hear nothing in the skies, the airways, above me: No airliners, no small aircraft, no helicopters...nothing.