My thoughts: Well maybe there is "GOD", mayber there isn't. Who really knows, who cares, who "gives a spit?". I mean, think about it for a minute. For those who speak and understand the English language, write down the word "GOD" on a piece of paper, and look at it for 5 minutes or so. Now, ask yourself, What is it? It's just a word, and a word in the English language, a collecition of letters in the English language, that substitutes for, or represents, a concept, an idea. A concept or idea, in your own mind. That's all. It's just a word that represents an idea. A concept. Some peole believe that "god" is a mighty, all-powerful spirit. Some people think that "god" is a flying spaghetti monster, or an invisible pink unicorn. Some people pereceive "god" to be a man in the sky with a long, flowing beard. Other people believe that the whole entire visible Universe is "god" (Pantheists) So, I believe that "god" is whatever YOU think that he, or she or it, is. Nothing more, nothing less. There. I've stated it. Best Wishes to all.