Greetings: Yep, I was summoned for jury duty many times, before I registered to vote. MOST of the instances were of the "call-in" kind, in which I had to call a phone number each day, to see if my group was needed or not. Very few of the times have I ever had to present myself at a local courthouse---maybe two times that THAT happened. The time that I had to present myself at local courthouse was back in late August of 2007. That ws interesting. The case was a criminal case, in which the defendant was accused of resisting arrest which resulted in injury to the polilce officer. There was one lady who was chosen to sit in the "potential jurist" box. She stated---and I kid you not---that she was a devout Christian, and that her "God" would speak to her heart and mind, and personally tell her if the defendant was guilty or not guilty. Neither the public defender, nor the prosecuting attorney wanted her on the jury! Dismissal!!!! So, next time that you are called in to a courhouse---pull the "devout Christian" card, if you don't want to serve. It might work!