Bush does...and look what mess he created both to his own country and the world...
JoinedPosts by justhuman
I Do Not Understand Why JWs Leave & Become Catholics!
by minimus inout of all religions, catholicism, to me, is wrong and clearly could never be the truth.
Excellent points Tom Cabeen....
Eventually this is the way that the extreme Protestand groups are blaming Catholic Church for Hell, and the problem is that in English and other languages, the Translation of their Bible contains mistakes while the Greek Bible that the Orthodox Church is using are the original texts. That is why the Orthodox Church does not accept any translations to be used in the Ceremony inside the Church. That is why the issue of filioque occured between the East and West Roman Church because of mistranslation to Latin.
While in the Greek Bible we have Hades, and Hell, and many times hades is translated in English with Hell. But Hades always in the Bible and the Hebrew scriptures is reffering to the place were the souls are waiting for judgement day. That is why in the Orthodox Church we have Jesus entering to Hades and preaching to the spirits in prison according to A Peter 3:18,19. and also that the Gospel was preached to the dead. So we have hades in the Hebrew Scriptures, while in the Greek scriptures we have also Hell(Kolasis) But again kolasis in Greek does not mean in any way a burning place. It is actually a personal situation -kolazome, and this is happening for those who decide to be way from the presense of God. Their choice to be way from God tortures them. That is why at the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich guy was in Hell(kolasis)and he was tortured because he was way from God's presense. Again for those who will claim that is only a parable and not a fact, Jesus was always speaking about real facts in the parables, and not fiction things, like flying dragons..
Regarding the Bible Canon, it was fininalized by Saint Athanasius(Greek Orthodox)at the 4th century, when the last book was added the Revelation of John. So technically speaking it was the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church that set the Canon and at that time it was ONE UNITED CHURCH, the East(Orthodox)and West Rome.
The point is that Protestands accept only the Bible. But what about the writtings of the Early Church fathers, or Epistoles from the Early Bishops of the Church like Clemes of Rome, or Ignatius the Bishop of Jerusalim at 97 A.D. All those writtings indicate to us that the Church is still operating like tha Early Church.
We had Apostoles, Prophets, Bishops in the Church. The Church was Synodic and all the Bishops(Episkopoi)were equal. When a problem occured a Synodos was held to define Christian faith, exactly to what happened in Jerusalim with the problem of circumcission. That is why they had to make a Synodos in Nicea for the problem of Trinity due to Arius heretic views. The exact pattern of how did the meeting was held in Jerusalim is still carried on from the Orthodox Church for 2000 years, showing that the Early Church nevered apostasized.
2 year old dies because his JW father refuses to allow a blood transfusion
by Honesty inanother sacrifice to the watchtower's blood altar, and this one didn't choose to die, he had the decision made for him.
It is so sick...Rabbit don't feel quilty ...
How can they accept blood fractions and reject the whole blood. The GB of the WT is quilty for murder in this policy. They killed thousands of people and they are not sattisfied...Their Father is a manslaughter and they are only immitating him...
My Husband Thinks I'm an Idiot...
by cognac inhe told me that he was really attracted to how deep of a person i was before we got married.. then adds in, "but then you started questioning simple things.
things 2 year olds understand..." .
You are lucky then...my ex-wife said that I was crazy, psycopath, and I'm suffering with severe depression...in fact he told to the elders that I become lunatic and they delay to announce my disfellowship for 4 months!!!
In the end it doesn't matter if you are crazy in the WT and still you do not accept the FDS as "God's"mouthpiece on plannet earth...but if I was crazy and I didn't question the FDS and accepting all their teachings I quess it would have been ok!!!
What are some of your memories pre 1975?
by karter ingoing to an international assembly 1974 and one of the gb leo greenlees saying"this will most likely be the last international assembly this side of armageddon".. poeple selling their houses.. storing up food.. wondering what went wrong on dec 31 1975!.
I don't recall many things since I was only 7. But I remember everyone being so anxious that the end was coming...well it seems that something went wrong since I'm 41 now, left the WT and most of all I'm an evil "apostate"
Ritchie Blackmoore
I Do Not Understand Why JWs Leave & Become Catholics!
by minimus inout of all religions, catholicism, to me, is wrong and clearly could never be the truth.
And here is a link regarding the Biblical Canon, a very interesting one, and how the Books of the Bible are understood by the Church
I Do Not Understand Why JWs Leave & Become Catholics!
by minimus inout of all religions, catholicism, to me, is wrong and clearly could never be the truth.
And here are some more usefull links regarding the Apostolic Succesion and how did the Early Church still functioned
I Do Not Understand Why JWs Leave & Become Catholics!
by minimus inout of all religions, catholicism, to me, is wrong and clearly could never be the truth.
On my remarks of Mother Mary it was for the Orthodox Church, an ex-jw that turned to Orthodox Christian, and again I will point out my tips :
1.Regarding the "idols" idol "eidolo" in Greek, "eidos" it means the thing that we can see, or we can understand with our senses, and it has to do ONLY with the visualization of God. NEVER in the Bible refering the word idol exept the portrait God.
2.There is a difference in the words Worship-proskino in Greek. There is honorable worship, and we can honour anyone. Jesus says to worship-proskinisoun - honour the Bishop of the Church Philadelphia It is honorable worship. Don't indicate the example of Paul and Barnabas, because in Greece the crowd tried to worship them as Idolater God's- Hermes and Zeus, and that is why they refuse. So in Church we honour the Saints, and Jesus Mother, and this is not idol worship ...
So that makes according to your logic Apostle John an idolater because he worshiped the Angel that gave the Revelation.(he was honoring God's Angel here)
In Joshua 5:13-15 we see that Josua WORSHIPED Jehovah's Archangel...so does this make Joshua an idolater???
In Revelation 3:7-10 Jesus said that he will make people to bow down on their knees and worship the Episkopos of Philadelphia!!! So is Jesus promoting idol worship here???
So we honor even the relics of the Saints because according to 1 Corinthians 3:16 they have been the Temple of God
Try to understand the difference from Honoring and idol worship, because honoring you can find it in the Old and New Testament and there is difference between the 2
Again I will ask those questions to the Protestands:
1.Is the Holy Bible the only basis for the Christian faith?
2. Were in the Bible indicates that only the Bible is our basis for our Christian Faith?
3. Who set the Biblical Canon?
4.What is the Protestand basis to accept the 66 books of the Bible instead of 77 that Orthodox and Catholic Church accepts?
5. Were in the Bible is telling us the Books that we should accept as the Biblical Canon are part of the Holy Scriptures?
6. Can you indicate a verse in the Bible that claims to be infalible?
7. Were in the Bible is showing us that the faith of the Church is being set according to the Bible and not the opposite?
8. In the Early Christian Church we had the Apostoles and the Prophets and they were appointed by the Holy Spirit Elders (Episkopoi in Greek)and this succesion is being carried for over 2000 years in the Apostolic Church, starting from James the first Bishop of Jerusalim.Do JW's or any Protestand has any Apostolic Succesion?
9. Has the Apostolic Church ever Apostasized?
10.Why do Protestands accept a Bible that was set by the Apostolic Church with Saint Athanasius(Greek Orthodox) at the 3th century who defined the Biblical canon?Is it correct on their behalf to accept a Bible that came out from the "apostate" Christians?
11. What do the writtings of the first 2 centuries of Christianity indicate to us regarding the Christian faith since we have letters from the immediate succesors of the Apostles like The letter to the Church of Magnisis from Saint Ignatios the Bishop of Antioch? It was written between 97 AD - 107AD.
12. Would Jesus allow Satan to turn the Church that He set with His Blood an "apostate"Church, and Satan would truimph over Jesus Church for hundreds of years?
Those are questions that need an answer....can any Protestand Domination give answers to the questions above...
I do not condemn any one that left JW's and decided to follow Christ according to their knowledge and try following the Bible. And there is no condemnation for anyone who is trying to follow Jesus, no matter were this indivitual belongs, because at the end we are all going to be judged according to our deeds from Jesus. This is a fact that no one can deny...because Jesus knows our heart and mind and knows our intentions.
I do not condemn even JW's because I know there are sincere people inside that cult that they are only trying to follow Jesus. Again I don't condemn anyone that became an Atheist, or even became Muslim, or Hindu. I strongly believe and this is a fact that we are all going to be judged according to our deeds
But I will strongly argue with anyone that claims that the Early Church became apostate religion and we cannot trace the origins of the Early Church because this argument does not have a solid ground. In my Island Cyprus, there are Ecclesiastical monuments that are coming out from the Early days of Christianity. Catacombs with Holy Icons that haven't changed ever since. Saint Lazarus was the first Bishop of my hometown Kition, and the grave he was burried it is there for 2000 years. Apostle Barnabas the first Bishop of the Island we find his grave in Salamis. I have see the writtings of the Early Succesors of the Apostles in my own language in Greek, the language that the Gospel was spread through the Roman Empire, and all those writtings indicate to me that the Apostolic Succesion it is still carried on for 2000 years in hte Christian Orthodox Apostolic Church.
The proof is there, and it is up to anyone who wishes to do REAL search regarding the History of the Early Church to see the reality. But before doing that is better to try to give answers to the questions above...
Gas Prices In Your Area?
by sacolton in$3.69 in oklahoma city, ok ... and going up!.
even though the new book study arrangement starts january 2009 - i wonder how many witnesses will begin to stop going this year to save on their gas budget?
Very high...1.5 euro the litter