I disassociated in March 1994 by letter and simultaneously started advertising to form a support group in San Francisco. The group I was forming was gay/lesbian focused. However, four months after I started the group, another group formed in Marin County [just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco] which was for ex-JWs who wanted to get together. It was gay/lesbian friendly. In fact, the opening guidelines from day one for the group was that different individuals go onto different spiritual paths, some may be homosexual, etc., and that the group was open to all. So, it depends upon what you want the focus to be.
Some who leave the JWs do so because they disagree with the Biblical theology. These often afterwards affiliate with other fundamentalist view point focused groups/people. As such, these groups basically will not accept anyone with warm, open hands who are not also following the same theological viewpoints.
Others leave the JWs for non-theological reasons. For example, they see the hypocrisy, they smoked, their sexual orientation, etc. Oftentimes, these individuals do not agree with a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint. In fact, some of these individuals turn away from anything remotely Christian.
My experience with the group in Marin [now also in Fremont, CA] is that those who've attended who have fundamentalist viewpoints without exception quickly condemn the group for being so open. They also want to get into theological discussions, like John 1:1.
So, it's all up to you as to which way you wish to proceed as to the focus of the group. On Randy Watters site there is a page that focuses on the availale groups for ex-JWs. You may want to look at that and get some additional ideas. The link is: http://www.exjws.net/supportgroups.htm
I hope this helps.