I DAd in March 1994. My uncle and aunt, both EXREMELY strong in "The Truth" at first kept limited contact with me [they were in Michigan, I'd moved to California with my JW mother, sister, and niece]. At the time my job had me traveling a lot and on cross-country trips I'd stop by their place, they'd put me up, and talk as if nothing had happened. They only wouldn't talk about "spritual" matters, which was fine by me as I'd had a "belly full".
Then, in May 1995 this abruptly changed after I told them of a new address and that I'd moved in with another man. That was too much for them and they cut off all communication other than an obligatory "thank-you" for gifts that I'd send them periodically. They'd never respond to my letters. So, I thought that I'd continue to be the "better person" and keep up any limited contact that I could do in the form of occasional gifts with accompanying cards or an occasional letter regarding my sister's condition.
Now, to put some perspective on what is going to follow. My uncle eventually became closer to me than my father. They'd both been friends in their 20s, my uncle was in "The Truth", my father was not --- if anything my father was an atheist. My uncle introduced my father to my mother and they got married. She also was a baptized JW at the time. YES, the JWs DID encourage members to marry "outside of the truth". When it became obvious to the JWs that, instead of bringing in a new outside member, the JW would often wind up leaving, they had "new light" and said only to marry in "The Truth". My parents divorced when I was 16. When I was 18 my mother had a stroke, my uncle stepped in, started studying with me, and I got taken in "hook, line, and sinker". He replaced my real father in my life [who was now very distant, he wasn't when he was at home].
Now, to the recent past. Around November 2000 I was surfing the 'net and came across a geneology site. I started plugging in various family names. When I got to my uncle's, I found out that he'd died on May 10, 2000 [May 10th was sensitive to me as it was also my now deceased mother's birthday]. I at first didn't believe it, but through cross referencing other sources finally accepted it as true. I became very angry. I'd sent a present to him and to her in October 2000 which she'd signed for. I didn't get a thank you for this last one. She obviously new that I was unaware of his death, otherwise I wouldn't have sent the gifts to her and him. Yet, she didn't even have the common human decency to AT LEAST let me know that he'd died.
After a few weeks of thinking about it, I wrote a letter to her. The intitial versions were quite scathing. The final version was just statements of fact: [1] I expressed sorrow about his death, [2] reminded her that I'd always kept her up to date on my disabled JW sister's condition, [3] that I'd found out from 3rd party sources about his death, [4] that as she didn't see fit to let me know about his condition anymore that I no longer felt comfortable keeping her up to date. From that moment on I ceased any gift-giving or occasional leters regarding my sister's condition.
I haven't regretted "closing the door behind me". In my opinion, being human to JW family members while being treated like dirt by them is too close to the JW theology of a wife subjecting herself to beatings by her husband on the hopes that maybe one day she will win over her husband. I'm not a doormat and won't put up with that twisted reasoning anymore.
This may sound cold. Anyone who knows me personally can vouch to my sensitive nature, in fact, often times too sensitive. But, as far as the JWs go, for this guy, I have no regrets in DFing from my life this JW family relation who ignored me [my sister, still officially a JW, I continue to support --- she's never done anything to warrant my cutting her off].
John W Wirtanen