JoinedTopics Started by witness2witness
podcast recommendations?
by Captain Blithering ina splendid morning to all you good chaps and chapesses in internetland!
i already listen to 'the human bible' , 'healingxjw' , 'infinite monkey cage' , 'doctor karl' ,(aussie dude, great science show) , but im on the lookout for more podcasts to subscribe to, science, bible, apologetics, comedy, you know the stuff...
any suggestions?
Who here lives in California?
by TimothyT inif you do tell me a bit about where you live in just a few words.
timmy :).
Kendrick in good standing in Oakley Congregation ... wow !
by RubaDub incan anyone imagine the what the elders in his current congregation must be going through ?!.
in their ideal world, they would have df'd him once they knew there would be a trial so they could play the card "he's not one of jw's.
" but since it occurred in a different congregation and he was already punished, there is little they can currently do.. wow, imagine the buzz in the kh when the info started leaking out.
Watchtower found guilty ruled to pay 7 million to 1 victim? wow
by yourmomma inis this recent?
i havent seen anyone post about it, the link has a pdf on it of the court documents, and it looks like the stamp is from 5/12 but its blurry.. .
Do you stil have Jw stuff
by d ini still have jw stuff like bibles and watchtower i have to get rid of.
do you any of you guys and girls here have stuff you to get rid of..
Has anyone learned how to read hebrew?
by EndofMysteries inif so, did you take a class, use a program, and how long or how many hours of study/learning would it realistically take to be able to read the bible in hebrew from when you begin to learn?
i am trying to decide if it's something i want to pursue since bible translations and even interlinears seem to cloud out some key messages and phrases.
Is It Normal for a JW to give a Return Visit print-outs of information?
by Broken Promises inyesterday i had another visit from a jw who has started calling on me after a few discussions.
i wrote about her in a previous thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/209531/1/jw-at-my-door-admits-that-shee28099s-had-doubts i'm pretending to be an interested one, and we've had some nice discussions.
i am trying to get her to research her religion via "innocent" questions i bring up.. i've noticed that each time she calls on me, she's given me printed information.
How long did it take you to get rid of your WTS library & literature?
by Think About It init took me a little over 2 years from the time i quit going.
been out 15 years now and no wts literature since.. .
think about it .
Any East Bay (CA) JWs?
by witness2witness inhey, is there anyone here who is (or has been) a member of the brentwood/oakley/discovery bay congregations?
i could use some help in regards to a jw i have been encountering.