I view the Bible as an assortment of information from Hebrew mythology orally communicated from generation to generation until written (e.g., Genesis), fables for living a moral life (e.g., Job), Jewish rules for living (e.g., Leviticus), chronological and biased accounts of Israelites' history (i.e., Kings), teachings of Jesus Christ and accounts of his life (e.g., Mathew through John) to accounts of spreading Christianity through the Middle East and then to Europe.
Is all of the Bible factual? No.
Can the Bible's message be missintrepreted? Yes.
Did Jesus Christ warn his followers of following religious leaders? Yes.
Did Jesus Christ advise his followers to intrepret the scriptures using God's greatist commandments? Yes.
Therefore some people will read the Bible and think that 2 + 2 = 4, and others will think that 2 + 2 = 5. It really depends on what people believe.
I prefer to view the Bible as a hodgepodge of information that can be used to inspire people - hopefully to live a more moral and happier life.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,