Hi lisaBObeesa, Interesting idea! Thanks for the tip. I will visit the Unification Church website and see what they write about cults.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses is having a memorial celebration on april 14, 2014 at 7:05 pm pst at the westlake hyatt in westlake village, ca, usa.. i am thinking about greeting celebratants as they leave with poster(s) and business cards with qr codes for www.jwfacts.com and www.freedomofmind.com.
my intent is not to debate or convert "spiritual strong" (non-thinking) jws, but to provide life-saving information to "spiritually weak" (still thinking) jws suffering from the wtbts's "undue influence" and bite control.
i might even be eating crackers (and cheese) and drinking red wine at the exit.. my plan is to place up to three posters across from the exit of the celebration and then place business-size cards with "critically think for yourself" and qr codes on the back.
Hi lisaBObeesa, Interesting idea! Thanks for the tip. I will visit the Unification Church website and see what they write about cults.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses is having a memorial celebration on april 14, 2014 at 7:05 pm pst at the westlake hyatt in westlake village, ca, usa.. i am thinking about greeting celebratants as they leave with poster(s) and business cards with qr codes for www.jwfacts.com and www.freedomofmind.com.
my intent is not to debate or convert "spiritual strong" (non-thinking) jws, but to provide life-saving information to "spiritually weak" (still thinking) jws suffering from the wtbts's "undue influence" and bite control.
i might even be eating crackers (and cheese) and drinking red wine at the exit.. my plan is to place up to three posters across from the exit of the celebration and then place business-size cards with "critically think for yourself" and qr codes on the back.
HI villagegirl, Thank you for your concern, but I'm a retail trader and less adversely affected by high-frequency traders then large pension/hedge funds and market makers. Independent research and critically thinking is important when reading news stories - especially when someone may be plugging their book.
Any active retail trader knows that high-frequency traders help increase market liquidity by tightening the bid-offer spread. High-frequency traders may be able to beat large orders to different exchanges, but no one knows where the market will be headed in 1 minute versus in hours, days, or weeks. High-frequency traders may adversely impact filling orders for traders who trade > 10,000's of contracts, verses I, who trades less than 20 contracts and can be filled at one exchange. There are also tactics to counter-act perceived advantages of high-frequency trading like spreading large orders into smaller orders and sequencing orders to arrive at all exchanges within millisecond.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
why did russian president vladimir putin ask the russian parliament to approve using military forces to keep the peace in the crimea, instead of asking the un?
why did the russian parliment pass a law approving military force instead of asking for the un to send peace keeping forces to the crimea (http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/01/world/europe/ukraine-politics/index.html?hpt=hp_t1)?.
is russia spiralling into a totalitarian dictatorship like germany in the 1930's and the soviet union from 1920's - 1990's with information control and coercive tactics?
ABibleStudent - Putin is playing a waiting game, which is why I chose the "Go" analogy, until news organizations redirect their reporters to more sensationalistic news. Putin can do whatever he wants without the international news media present.
I wanted to go Salsa dancing tonight, but I still don't feel comfortable about sweating until my contact dermatitis heals more. My dog is banned from roaming in the shady brush (i.e., poison oak) near my home indefinately. So, I started thinking about what might significantly influence equity markets in the coming weeks and months. News events can affect markets, but don't ask me in what direction, because I don't know.
The Ukrainian situation has been on my mind for the last 1-1/2 months, because it does have potential to move markets. As an options trader, I just want prices to move in the short-term and mitigate my longer-term risks by hedging my positions. Because the Ukrainian situation has been out of the lime-light compared to locating flight MH370, I started thinking what would I do if I was Putin.
I would:
If I am right about Putin's and his administrations ambitions, the Russian military will invade first eastern and/or southern Ukraine during a weekend or upcoming long holiday with cool temperatures, dizzle to light rain, and overcast skies for a week or so before scheduled elections on May 25, 2014. The aforementioned factors would hide Russian troop movements from satellites as well as limit the number of people, who would want to block military movements and minimize casualties.
April 12 through April 19, 2014 could be very interesting for Ukrainians and equity markets, because the aforementioned conditions will be met according to Easern Ukraine accuweather.com satellite images and weather forecasts, and when Ukrainains celebrate Easter on 20-April-2014 according to http://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/ukraine/easter-sunday.
Of course, everything I am writing about is hypothetical. I wonder how different people will react to the same news stories. Run and hide, or overcome their fears and take advantage of opportunities.
In the end I hope that if Russians do invade Ukraine that casualties will be minimal and everyone, including Americans, Ukrainians and Russians learn to critically think for themselves. Skepticism can be a good thing.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses is having a memorial celebration on april 14, 2014 at 7:05 pm pst at the westlake hyatt in westlake village, ca, usa.. i am thinking about greeting celebratants as they leave with poster(s) and business cards with qr codes for www.jwfacts.com and www.freedomofmind.com.
my intent is not to debate or convert "spiritual strong" (non-thinking) jws, but to provide life-saving information to "spiritually weak" (still thinking) jws suffering from the wtbts's "undue influence" and bite control.
i might even be eating crackers (and cheese) and drinking red wine at the exit.. my plan is to place up to three posters across from the exit of the celebration and then place business-size cards with "critically think for yourself" and qr codes on the back.
Thanks for reading everyone. A guy has got to dream sometimes for good things to happen to people "unduly influenced" by BITE control, such as critically thinking for oneself.
@ never a jw, Yes, I live in the Conejo Valley. I'm not an apostate - NEVER BAPTIZED A JW, and NO HORNS or TAILS either. LOL
I was only adversely affected by the WTBTS. If you want to read my introducation/story, click on the thread (Belated) Hello.
If you want to meet, just PM me. My mornings until 1:00 PM PST are busy trading options, searching for jobs in the area, and posting on JWN. It looks like this coming week I may be very busy trading because of a possibiilty of increasing volatility in the markets.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses is having a memorial celebration on april 14, 2014 at 7:05 pm pst at the westlake hyatt in westlake village, ca, usa.. i am thinking about greeting celebratants as they leave with poster(s) and business cards with qr codes for www.jwfacts.com and www.freedomofmind.com.
my intent is not to debate or convert "spiritual strong" (non-thinking) jws, but to provide life-saving information to "spiritually weak" (still thinking) jws suffering from the wtbts's "undue influence" and bite control.
i might even be eating crackers (and cheese) and drinking red wine at the exit.. my plan is to place up to three posters across from the exit of the celebration and then place business-size cards with "critically think for yourself" and qr codes on the back.
The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses is having a Memorial Celebration on April 14, 2014 at 7:05 PM PST at the Westlake Hyatt in Westlake Village, CA, USA.
I am thinking about greeting celebratants as they leave with poster(s) and business cards with QR codes for www.jwfacts.com and www.freedomofmind.com. My intent is not to debate or convert "Spiritual Strong" (non-thinking) JWs, but to provide life-saving information to "Spiritually Weak" (still thinking) JWs suffering from the WTBTS's "undue influence" and Bite control. I might even be eating crackers (and cheese) and drinking red wine at the exit.
My plan is to place up to three posters across from the exit of the celebration and then place business-size cards with "Critically Think for Yourself" and QR codes on the back. I want the elders/MS to focus on the posters and me at the exit while allowing JWs to pick-up the business-size cards as they exit the building. Another option is to place business-size cards on the windshields of cars in the parking lot.
I have not decided whether to do this or not. I don't like confrontations and I am better at having conversations with people than debates with a "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JW elder/MS. Right now it is just an idea to think about.
Here is one poster that I created. I would also create another poster that features "Celebrating ~ 130 years (1878 to 2014) of Watchtower Failed Prophecies and Flip-Flopping Doctrines" with QR codes to www.jwfacts.com and possibly a third poster "Following the Teachings and Example of Jesus Christ instead of a Dangerous Cult".
What do you think?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
as i was saying before the watchtower literature trolley has arrived in my little town.... my wife and i were in town this afternoon and i saw one of my former elder colleagues standing beside the trolley talking to a young man and reading to him from one of their books.
ray was one my least favourite people - he was everything that is bad about jw elders.
i went up to them and interrupted and told the man that this is a cult recruitment campaign.
Congratulations on shocking and awing Ray, cofty!! I'm gald that you had fun and cared enough to help JWs to critically think for themselves.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i am trying to look at it from a believing mates perspective.
they married you as a jw expecting you to continue as one.
if you have kids, she enjoyed the stability of both spouses being united.. when you learn ttatt, you find out the wt is a dangerous mind control group and lies to its members and is hypocritical.
BU2B - Same for my wife SD-7. I think being a JW is the only thing that gives her structure and a sense of accomplisment in life. If I could only find something to replace it for her.. I dont think she cares at all about false prophecy, misquotes, the UN thing because in her heart she is thinking, where else would I go.. The reality is that life can be so rich, filled with hobbies, adventures, helping out the elderly, homeless, sick children, orphans, even animals..
Hi BU2B, Prison, working on an assembly line, and being in the military also provide structure to people and does not victimize them with BITE control. The WTBTS indoctrinates JWs with thought-stopping platitudes to delude them that leaving the WTBTS is worse then death, because you will live forever after the Big "A" on Paradise Earth.
Instead of making all the plans for your wife, ask your wife simple questions to learn more about what she dreamt of doing as a child that was not a WTBTS approved activity. Then, help your wife to use the internet and read travel magizines to plan activities to do with more non-JWs. Add a little spice to your fun activities by surprising your wife with something that she may not have overtly expressed as wanting to do, but that you learned from listening to her authentic persona that she really wanted to do.
The more fun she has with you as a fading JW: the less inclined she will want you to return to the WTBTS.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
its been a while since i spoke up.
after a lot of 'tactful' questioning, i have come under the conclusion that witnessing ttatt with dubs will never work.
there is nothing called reasoning with them.
Hi MissConfused, DITTO what other posters have written about choosing your battles wisely.
Confronting a "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) JWs about the WTBTS is a losing battle, so learn how to empower your greatist ally which is a JW's authentic persona. If this sounds confusing, then you need to study information from cult-exit counselors like Steve Hassan's methods by reading his books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs"), visiting his website www.freedomofmind.com, and watching his FREE videos on his website like Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23) and How Big is the Phenomenon of Undue Influence? (2:01).
A good analogy of helping a JW to critically think for themselves, would be peeling layers from an onion. Slowly peel the layers of the WTBTS's BITE control, by:
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i meet a 6 years baptised jw girl.
we planned to marry here in philippines ( no divorce here }.
judge told me he can do the marriage so we livived together to be married.
Welcome Almond, Are you a JW? Does your GF love you more than the WTBTS?
Instead of you and your GF being victimized by the WTBTS, do the following:
Peace be with you and eveyrone, who you love,
i guess the co came by with a local elder.
funny thing is only my husband's name is on it.
we are both inactive, but the rumors are that i celebrate everything now (i do).
Welcome monis1, If your husband still thinks that the WTBTS has the truth, does your husband love you and your children more than the WTBTS?
If he loves you and your children more than the WTBTS, ask him what he thinks of Steve Hassan's video Strategic Interactive Approach explained 2003 (1:23:23). Steve Hassan is a reputable cult-exit counselor who has written "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs". Learning more about how the WTBTS uses BITE control techniques to victimize JWs may help your husband stop using thought-stopping platitudes like "The WTBTS still has the Truth."
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,