talesin - I can choose happiness, I can choose to move on, but I will never choose to forgive those who keep trying to destroy my life, and treting me like dog poo on their shoe.
Accept the wounds, and realize I can't change anything. Let go of caring about what they think. That, for me, is the way to heal. It is 'moving on', not 'forgiving'. . . .
You could use a bit of sensitivity training. Yeah, I grew up being sexually abused in ways that would make you have nightmares for the rest of your life, physically abused, emotionally and spiritually .... and you have the blankety-blank NERVE to say SHIT HAPPENS?
@ talesin, I'm sorry for how you were abused as a child. I use forgiveness and moving on interchangably. I recognize that some people do not like using the word "forgiveness". For me it is difficult to define either sufficiently well enough to differentiate between them. IMHO the most important thing is for people to be aware of how emotions are adversely affecting their lives and hopefully to make changes to live happier and healthier lives.
cofty - So how does that differ from deciding to just let an abuser get off with their crimes?
@ cofty, Interesting question. H'mm, How to differenciate between revenge and justice? Can we agree that law enforcement should be notified about an abuser who has committed a crime? Revenge is biased with a biased individual(s) being the investigator,judge, jury, prosecutor, etc. Justice is more non-biased than revenge with multiple individuals fullfilling seperate roles of investigator, judge, jury, prosecutor, etc. I prefer justice over revenge.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,