Welcome Beth Shan, How are your parents treating you now? Do they agree with some of your opinions about the WTBTS?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
Welcome Beth Shan, How are your parents treating you now? Do they agree with some of your opinions about the WTBTS?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hey there all, i just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and thank you all for this wonderful site and all the helpful discussions sich a loving arrangement .
my name may (or may not) be tracee.
i may (or may not) live in texas.
HeyThere - He is convinced tht the dubs have helped him become better. That will be very difficult and I will have to maintain that the principles of living in the bible are good - but the cult mentality and lies is not. I am trying to navigate how to do this...not fun!
Hi HeyThere, You are right it won't be fun. It may be tolerable if you think of your actions as empowering your husband's authentic persona to overcome his cult persona.
What though-stopping platitudes does your husband regularly use? If you can learn to overcome thought-stopping platitudes that your husband uses it may help his authentic persona to become stronger. The WTBTS teaches JWs to say thought-stopping platitudes like "Where else shall we go?", "Wait on Jehovah.", "JWs are the happiest (or most loving, most trust-worthy, most caring, most giving, etc.) people in the world.", "The end is soo soon.", etc.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
leaving the university with my degree!.
exams are finished and it's just a matter of days before i walk.. i was certainly stressed about doing this.
i'm older than my classmates and armageddon was sooooo close!
Congratulations!! Live long and prosper (free from the WTBTS)!!
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hey there all, i just wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and thank you all for this wonderful site and all the helpful discussions sich a loving arrangement .
my name may (or may not) be tracee.
i may (or may not) live in texas.
Welcome HeyThere, Thank you for sharing your experiences and I'm sorry that your husband is so gung-ho.
Have you read information by cult-exit conselors like Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering Peopel to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling Peope, Cults and Beleifs"), visited his website www.freedomofmind.com, and watched his FREE videos on his website?
Have you visited reputable websites like www.jwfacts.com, www.watchtowerdocuments.com, www.jwsurvey.org, and www.freeminds2.org to learn more about the WTBTS, its history, and its flip-flopping changes in doctrines? Have you read books by Raymond Franz (i.e., "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Seach of Christian Freedom") or Don Cameron's book (i.e., "Captives of a Concept")?
Since your husband does not want to associate with non-JWs and is throwing out smurf toys, he seems too "Spiritually Strong" (non-thinking) to help him critically think for himself. Is there a way to help him see that those life-changing events are not good reasons to become more active in the WTBTS? Does your husband love the WTBTS more than you and his children? If he does love you more, how would your husband react if you and all your children went on a three day vacation far from your home and explained why you do not believe that the WTBTS is God's channel for Christians by relating your individiual stories to him, the questions that caused you doubts about the WTBTS, and that you will never return to the WTBTS?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
im in a bit of a bind and im not quite sure what (if anything) i can do about it.
i was recently hired as a business consultant for a rather large company.
the company that hired me mentioned that they are concerned about a certain department and the way its being run, as this department affects every other department in the company.
noontide - The only reason I even broached the subject of religion, is because I can clearly see that his JW mentality is affecting his work, and others see his JW behavior as strange (think newly indoctrinated Witness, who is very proud of his religion and you’ll get a sense of how he conducts himself). I can sympathize with this; I was once there myself.
I really wanted to help him and see him succeed; unfortunately I don't believe this will happen. I have taken over the HR department and am now instructing him how to run it. In the few weeks that I have been here, people are now coming to me and directing their questions and issues with me. This does not bode well for him. But ultimately it will be all about this job performance.
Hi noontide, How long has the director been a director and how long has he been a JW? What attibutes did the company see in him that made them choose him over other candidates?
Since you have taken over the department, he may already be searching for a new job. His ego may be seeing the writing on the wall.
If you want to help him, how do you feel he would respond to you offering to help him improve his interpersonal skills (and possibly other skills)? It would either push him to find a job quicker or he might try to change if he understood the effect he had on people and his department's performance.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
im in a bit of a bind and im not quite sure what (if anything) i can do about it.
i was recently hired as a business consultant for a rather large company.
the company that hired me mentioned that they are concerned about a certain department and the way its being run, as this department affects every other department in the company.
Hi noontide, Can you suggest to the company about doing a 360-deg evaluation of the director where you suggest specific questions to evaluate his performance? What metrics can you suggest to the company to measure the performance of the director's department?
I would suggest that you present to the company what you feel are important attributes for the director's performance. I would include being pro-active, having a vision, inspiring employees to work more effectively.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
even though i have never been a jw, i hope just as much as many of you to bring the wt to its knees, even put it behind in the annals of history of millenarian religions.
one thing that gets me very very upset is the abuses commited against all children raised in a jw household.
the list is long.
Hi never a jw, I feel that you should follow your heart. Nothing is stopping you from writing to your Congressional representatives.
I have written numerous letters to my Congressmen/Congresswomen about changing tax laws for non-profit corporations. Although the WTBTS promotes to JWs actions that I feel border on emotional child abuse, I feel it would be better to limit any changes to tax laws to requiring that non-profit corporations must
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
or do you believe they have the right to practice their religion, as they do?.
No, JWs should not be outlawed in any country.
All non-profit corporations (which would probably only apply to dangerous cults like the WTBTS or dangerous orgs like the Catholic Church and Sandusky's Second Mile Charity) should lose their non-profit status if they do not meet minimum societal expections like DO NOT use BITE control techniques (e.g., promoting shunning and information control) to unduly influence members, and must report all violent criminal activity (e.g., child abuse/molestation and rape) to local law enforcement immediately and before reporting it to thier legal department.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
hey everyone.. i'm trying to convince mrs.objectivetruth to join the forum, but she's a bit nervous.
perhaps if you all can give her some words of encouragement, it will convince her to join the jwn family... btw she already knows ttatt.. she's just not convinced to join the forum..
Welcome objectivetruth, What are your concerns?
How about planning a nice vacation with Mr. objectivetruth instead?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
i've been visiting here for about a year or so, but didn't really feel compelled to participate other than reading the various posts that interested me.. there's been that uncomfortable feeling of being disloyal to god, the organization, many friends and relatives.. i've been associated since birth.
after 65 + years of service within this organization and actually enjoying that time, it troubled me to find myself wanting to express feelings that were contrary to all that time of "faithfulness".
those years were filled with progressive "privileges and responsibilities" even at a high level, and there was considerable success in our evangelizing activity.
Welcome stirred but not shaken, You are a very lucky man that your wife and a few other family members accepted your change in belief. Do you have children? Did your children accept your change in belief?
IMHO being a little skeptical and using your mind is a good thing. Blindly following others can lead one over a cliff like a lemming (or Mt 15:14)!
Besides JWN what other sources have you read? What other websites have you visited? Have you visited reputable websites like www.jwfacts.com, www.freedomofmind.com, www.watchtowerdocuments.com, www.jwsurvey.org, and www.freeminds2.org? Have you read any books by Raymond Franz (i.e., "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom"), Don Cameron (i.e., "Captive of a Concept"), and books by cult-exit counselors like Steve Hassan (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest book) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs")?
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,