Wow, a lot of pain is coming up on this site.
So very sorry for your loss, happyexjw, losing a parent is awful..just awful.
Jw's always seem to have so much to say don't they, at times like this. Why can't they just be kind. Keep your chin up..
quite a while ago i wrote about my dad who has been living with prostate cancer for 13 years with secondry bone cancer for the last 2 years.
we all thought he was going to leave us back in april when he had a bad chest infection.
i was talking about wanting to be able to say some words at his funeral.
Wow, a lot of pain is coming up on this site.
So very sorry for your loss, happyexjw, losing a parent is awful..just awful.
Jw's always seem to have so much to say don't they, at times like this. Why can't they just be kind. Keep your chin up..
well i have learned that it was very true.
i do not want to post the story because i do not want to totally give myself away and the story dose not say he was a jw only that he attacked children and had a police standoff.
plus it gives his name and i just do not want to bring more problems on him, it is just really sad.. the brother is schizophrenic.
You sound like a very concerned, empathetic person, but first of all, plse protect yourself.
Your story is not unusual, sad to say. In my neck of the woods a 'bible study' who was mentally unstable, killed most of his family, in the 80's if I remember correctly. Seems to me he was just released a few years ago and remaining family members were a bit reluctant to associate with him.
does anyone remember the rationale that was used in rebranding "back calls" as "return visits"?.
while on the subject does anyone else remember any theocratic name changes like,.
district assembly to district convention.
Donuthole Hi,
I figured that all the 'terms' that were used when I signed up in the 1960's...
those are the ones I kept useing! Anytime I got THE visit, from the 'circuit servant' about my back calls etc they looked pretty po'd.
What was the Head Honcho at the KH called before the revolving elder arrangement kicked in ... was it Congregation servant?
"what is truth?
" pontius pilate uttered those words to jesus christ not long before jesus' death.
(john 18:38) it was, of course, common in roman culture to hear of and debate about many different philosophies and ideas.
Thanks for the effort and thought that you put into this. I especially liked that you used scripture to back up what you were saying. I agree that the Truth is simple.
"Clearly, the original message of Christianity in all its detail cannot be found today, but the core message of the good news is found in the Bible. For a Christian, the Bible is the final authority"
You might have got more response if the question was.. "Is pink bubble gum better than blue?", ...... the mind boggles doesn't it!
Jehovahs Witnesses Promised
Millions now living will never die
They are all dead!
nothing contributes so much to tranquilize the mind as a steady purpose--.
a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.. mary shelley.
Even the rich are hungry for Love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own. Mother Teresa
Glad you cleared that up for us Booby, sheesh!
Most on here are decent, honest, loyal, conscientious and and strive to be unbiased. But we are judged and tarred & feathered by the stinking 'apostate label'. I hate it.
All white skinned GB members except for One. Quite a contrast to the Kitchen members! Imagine what it is like to be judged just because your skin is darker!
I'd hate that even more!
i'm admitting to be very pissed off.....and bitter.
i'm sick of having no job security (i know its relative), but mostly because i did not go to college....... has anyone gone back to school post 40?
how was the experience?
Cognizant D,
"I'm not sure if my health will hold out and I'll be able to compete for a two year required position with an accountant before I can pass the licensing exams."
Cog, just concentrate on today. Finish the work today. There is no 'tomorrow'!
Don't try to get too far ahead of yourself, .. it will just cause panic.
Congratulate yourself for what you have already accomplished, it's a lot!
So many of us have gone back to 'school' ... it makes us winners not losers!
I jumped in at 40, and went on to have 3 careers after that, including teaching and Public Service.
Best wishes to every last one of you!
i owe this question entirely to hadit but i cannot get this thought out of my head.
all i heard growing up was that we have to call god jehovah because they are many god's, this way jehovah knows we are trying to speak to him.
that is just one of many reasons the fds and wt say to why we much call him jehovah.
Good Morning Lits,
Great points. Isn't it funny how the watchtower society commands us to worship a name that even they admit ... is wrong. 'Jehovah' is a brand name, and they are getting as much 'mileage' out of it as they can. They have admitted that Yahweh is more correct, ... but I guess that didn't have such a punchy sound to it! Yahweh's Witnesses ...hmmm not so much.
I guess Rutherford thought, if we don't have a god with a pronounceable name, how do we get people to follow us? I know I'll just...pick one! Trade Mark!
All Gods children do know their Father and He knows them.
so far, i have found them to be pretty expensive.
i am looking for cheaper ones.
any suggestions?.
asilentone hi,
You could visit a Chinese market, they have beautifully colored folding screens, some rather large ones which you would probably really like. If you like wicker that would be another option - these are also quite lightweight if you'll be moving them.
good luck