That was a very inspiring story. I have made it a goal to one day not only tell them about me (still hiding), but also to just slip little tidbits of info here and there. Hopefully, like you said, it will get them thinking. All it takes is one spark. I can honestly say that my determination now is due to this board. I am drawing strength here. Thank You.
I often think about my family, especially my Mother, who are all in the 'truth'. When I first came here I thought that, while I was lucky to have had the opportunity to open my eyes, there would never be hope for them--they are so staunch in their beliefs. But I have recently come to realize that it's not their actual faith in God that makes them this way; it's that classic JW belief that they ARE RIGHT, God or no. I wonder these days, after witnessing many posts by those who are still total JW's, if it's really that they have such beautifully undying faith in God, or is it an undying faith in themselves. I am not saying they are all like this but I have noticed many who are more concerned about proving themselves to be superior than proving God to be superior.
Just a thought.