JoinedTopics Started by abuonconsiglio
2020-December-21--Kingdom Hall Internet Services during the pandemic.
by Atlantis inkingdom hall internet service during the pandemic.. this letter is from madrid, so the letter may only be for that area.
https://we.tl/t-gnbk7nhpeo .
Articles of Association and bylaws - 2020
by abuonconsiglio inwe read the "articles of association and bylaws - 2020".
here in italy, an anonymous claims that this is a message that wt sends periodically to very old congregations.
these congregations have their property and didn't accept the rutherford's resolutions about the choice of the elders.. he tells that they follow the doctrines but refuse the authority around organisational aspects.. is it true?.
2020-Articles Of Association--Bylaws--Notice Of Special Meeting! (as of 2020-11-25)
by Atlantis in2020--articles of association and bylaws--3 pages.. .
2020--notice of special meeting in december--8 pages.
if you are a jw read carefully before you sign.. .
2020-10-12--Year End Report! (as of 2020-10-14)
by Atlantis in2020-october-12th.. re: 2020 year end report.
reply below for the link and a milkshake back in the pm section.. https://www.legendairymilkshakebar.com/.
2020-Letter Writing Manual--Pre-Authorized Debit Donations!--( as of 2020-10-10)
by Atlantis in2020-10--letter writing templates manual.
91 pages.
2020-10-01--donation arrangement--pre-authorized debit.
5 More Letters Arrived as of 2020-06-04!
by Atlantis in5 more letters arrived today.
1--2019-11-08-proposal to merge the congregation charity into the kingdom hall trust-------------------2--2019-11-information relating to the merger with the kingdom hall trust-------------------------.
3--2020-01-minutes of meeting of the charity trustees-1.
2013 January Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in.
2013 january our kingdom ministry.click the link in the blue box by the blue arrow..http://www.sendspace.com/file/oo2c6k..click the link below and when the next page appears click slow download..http://www.fileswap.com/dl/vkqa8zbgwd/...click the link below and when the next page appears look to your left and click the link thats says (2013 january okm pdf.http://www.fileflyer.com/view/7pzmmbg...atlantis
2011 Yearbook-PDF!
by Atlantis in2011 yearbook-pdf!bookmarked, searchable, reduced.
(credit to bbs, he can reduce files better than i can.
Is the April 2011 Auxillary Pioneer 30 hours official ???
by RubaDub inwe were not at the meeting last weekend and just wondering if the "30 hour" rule for april 2011 pioneer hours was actually read to the congregations ???.
rub a dub.
Manifestation in Rome against the ostracism
by abuonconsiglio inon first of december we had a manifestation to condemn the ostracism practiced from jehovah's witnesses against every disfellowshipped.
we made this manifestation in rome near the chamber of deputies.
at the event were present people from all over italy and some from switzerland.. what was done?.