I may not agree with everything she says but I think it's nice she greets us with " may you have peace" or "peace to you". She sounds very sincere to me.
JoinedPosts by factfinder
by Vicosovich_R indo you believe that just because you start your posts with, may you have peace, that you are genuinely kind?
when in actuality, when you greet people with that message, then follow it with sarcasm and snide remarks, you are really being cruel.
when was cruelty ever synonymous with being faithful?
BrotherDan's POV
by PSacramento inbrotherdan seems to have left and before he did he psoted this:.
so this is goodbye.
thanks for the help in getting out of the cult.
Hi Flipper! You express very nicely how I feel. My brother and his wife think that any time I question anything the jws say that I am attacking their beliefs. They feel what jws say is always right and everything else is always wrong. He felt that my talking to him about my doubts or information I discovered on the internet ( especially from this forum) or asking any questions is a threat to his faith. He said I am "satan's mouthpiece" and he does not want to hear from me again. Yes, this is how witnesses are conditioned to think. I used to feel that way too a long time ago. But I saw so much wrongdoing over the years, and felt unsatisfied with the wts explanation of certain scriptures and other things and, well, it all eventually led to my being more open minded and willing to listen to what others say.
I am not trying to destroy anyone's faith. No one should base their faith on what I say. But on this forum we do get to share our experiences, doubts and questions with others and some people do listen. I know many here experienced things that I went through as a witness too.
And Haddit- I agree with your comments too. ( I don't know how to quote from peoples posts here). As a witness you do feel 100% sure you have everything worked out. You have the wonderful paradise earth to look forward to, and all your health problems will be removed and you know you will have a wonderful eternal life there and get to see your dead loved ones there again and have your friends there with you. It is a certainty and you base your life on that. Then you discover it is not true and your future hope is gone and you have nothing and find out you knew nothing.
I was not a born in like many of you were. I was born and raised Jewish. I chose to become a witness. I believed in it 100%. My family disowned me pretty much. Years and years went by. Then I discover: I was lied to. I'm not going to have that wonderful future. Now everything looks bleak. I don't know what to believe, indeed, I no longer believe much. I am done with religion.
But I'm not trying to attack anyone or their beliefs with anything I post. I am too new to be that familiar with BrotherDan, but I hope he was not offended by anything I wrote. I'm just trying to find answers. I enjoy reading most of what is posted on this forum and everyone is entitled to their own views, ideas and beliefs.
Jehovah's Witnesses: Beneath the Tower of Fear (Video)
by leavingwt invia free minds.
"watch this compilation of watchtower images and comments by circuit overseer charles sunutko to see how the watchtower organization controls its followers through the "fear" of armageddon.
they say that if you are not in the organization of jehovah's witnesses you will die a horrible death at the hands of a very angry jehovah at armageddon.".
So Armageddon is coming in 1975? We better make sure we are all getting ready. Get back to the meetings everyone, back" inside" so we will be safe when Jehovah's great day of wrath comes in 1975! Don't delay. The time is almost here!
Make-a-Wish David Sanchez Report Brooklyn Bethel
by Inside Man inthe following is a report that brother and sister fuentes wrote regarding the friday, october 8 2010 make-a-wish tour for david sanchez.
the interest and welcome the bethel family extended to david and his family was truly heartwarming.
david could hardly believe his visit to bethel was real.
sir82- I love your post! How true!
Does the Watchtower contain photo's of the Devil
by jwfacts ini have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.
Did'nt the Live forever book have an illustration of satan and the demons being hurled down from heaven? ( not the serpent/ dragon illo)
Does the Watchtower contain photo's of the Devil
by jwfacts ini have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.
What do you suppose Satan and his demons look like? would they look markedly different from faithful angels?
Anyone got the December KM yet for UK
by alanv inas it is the end of the jw service year, it would be nice to see how they finished up in august 2010 as regards total publishers.. quite often there seems to be a big push to get as many as possable to put in a service report to finish the year off.. so a scan would be good or just a report on how many publishers they ended up with.
Did you post the November edition?
I never lied about my FS hours. I stopped going door to door around 9 years ago, and have not shared in any aspect of fs for the past 5 years. No one has contacted me from the hall about it. I am ignored by the cong. I am not df or DA- just stopped going period. Not one jw asked why or tried to get me to come back. I never made up any fake fs reports and am surprised so many on this forum did.
Did God made the human mistake once or many times?
by cyberjesus inso god created humans and ... oh well we know the story, things didnt go as planned ooops!
the god patched it by sending his christ and... thousands of years later things solved... but that is only on earth.. did you know that of every star on the firmament 1of 10 have planets.
yeah like our sun has planets.
Remember the Bible says Jesus died once for all time. Thus there was no sacrifice for sins before Jesus died and there won't be any again in the future.
Why is it?
by JeffT ini thought of this while working on my book project, and i realized i don't have a good answer.
why is the jw leadership so intent on conformity in all areas of everyone's lives?
lots of things they regulate have no religious significance.
Excellent answers!