The divinity of Christ can't be denied. John 1:18 indicates this fact in the NWT more than any other version. John 1:1 has been pulled back and forth as a slam-dunk for both sides, depending on who's doing the interpreting and translating. Without the definite article, there is no proof positive for "God"; at the same time, there is no proof positive for "a god". One argument that is sorely lacking is that it could just be "god" (small g), indicating the Logos is god, just as God is god, Adam was human, I am human. Every Greek scholar agrees the second "god" is descriptive, like an English adjective. "Word was God"/"Word was god"/"Word was a god" may all be correct, if understood a certain way, which is the way I believe John intended. Surely the Heavenly Christ/Logos is/was divine. You can't be called "mighty god" without being a god.
The confusion comes in when people see "one God" as "one god". The word "God" is a name and there is, in fact, only one of those. The word "god" is a title and there are many, including God, Satan, Christ, and all the angels ("elohim"). These people require the trinity, because if the Father is really a god and the Son is really a god, but there is only one god, then they must be one. That is an erroneous assumption, though. The Bible never says there is one god, but there is only one God. God himself talks about other gods; some fake, some real. I've pointed out before that the "false gods" of Egypt demonstrated real power - matching Moses' miracles - indicating there were divine beings involved. Other scriptural accounts refer to blind, deaf, powerless idols; obviously indicating no divine backing. The OT makes it clear that only YHWH is to be worshiped, the NT makes it clear that Jesus is divine and approved by YHWH. Yes, there are 2 "true" gods (gasp!) and many "false" gods (some real, some fake).
The Holy Spirt is another subject altogether and all attempts I've seen to include it as part of a trinity have been pathetic at best.
Dammit! I said I wouldn't do this again!