Real reform would happen under this new name
Chrisian Congregation of Jesus Witnesses
i posted what follows elsewhere but thought it might be of interest here as well.
my forst posting here so i apologize in advance if this is not in the correct place.. a tribute to ray franz (on what would have been his 98th birthday) and to ed dunlap, his collaborator.
last week would have marked the 98th birthday of a man for whom most of us here have high regard.
Real reform would happen under this new name
Chrisian Congregation of Jesus Witnesses
so says former justice of the supreme court, lord sumption.
he correctly calls the "lockdown" for what it is - house-imprisonment.
Common sense should be called horse sense. Horse sense is the sense that horses have not to bet on people.🙃
you will die.
i will die.
those who have gone before us, the great and the small, the powerful and the weak, have shared the common fate of dying.
Life is least from my perspective. Two nights ago my 6 year old granddaughter was crying. When my daughter asked her what was wrong she innocently replied, "I don't want grandpa to die; he is the only one who plays "hide and seek" with me."
When my 4 children were young, I was driving home from school one day and I got a sharp pain in my heart. I looked up and said, "Is this it God?" Well if it's alright with you, it's alright with me. Suddenly the pain went away as quickly as it appeared.
When I got home I wanted my wife to know how spiritual I was so I shared this little incident with her. When the words, "it's all right with me" left my lips, she scowled, " Yeah...and what about us?". She obviously was not as impressed with me as I was.
i am 15 years old and recently just doubting this whole religion that was introduced to me when i was very small from a very good family friend.
doubt obviously comes with shame and guilt and i hate those feelings because it feels like i'm betraying this whole organization that i grew up in.... anyways, i've been doing research and found that jehovah's witnesses dislike/shun kids who attend colleges & universities that are more than 4 years long?
have you heard of this?
Welcome to the forum Galaxia!
I graduated from high school in 1968. A fellow graduate told me there was no time to go to university.....and that if I did not become a JW by 1975 I would be destroyed at Armageddon. I told him that he would wake up in 1976 with egg all over his face. I went on to have a successful teaching career and in retirement i am still reaping the benefits of that ... and so are my children.
You will be able to do more for yourself and others if you further your education as planned.
the great crowd of other sheep witnesses allegedly first began forming early on in the 20th century.
rutherford was totally unaware of this crowds existence until 1935. it was revealed to him in 1932 that the great crowd members were heaven-bound.
then light flashed from heaven in 1935 showing that this group was an earthly class.
The Great Crowd of Other Sheep Witnesses allegedly first began forming early on in the 20th century. Rutherford was totally unaware of this crowds existence until 1935. It was revealed to him in 1932 that the Great Crowd members were heaven-bound. Then light flashed from heaven in 1935 showing that this group was an earthly class. At a convention in Washington DC in 1935 he pointed to his cheering audience when he proclaimed, "Behold the Great Crowd".
"Jehovah's Witnesses themselves set the conditions through with the doctrine would stand or fall.
To wit:
"Especially beginning in 1935, when the identity of the "great multitude" or "great crowd" was clearly understood, large numbers of these began to manifest themselves. At first there were hundreds, then thousands, later hundreds of thousands, and now there are millions spread around the Globe. Gods infallible Word depicts this group as 'coming out of the great tribulation,' being survivors of it, living right on into God's New Order without ever having to die (Revelation 7:9,10,14; John 11:26) The early members of this group are now in their 60's or 70's or older. Jehovah did not allow the ingathering of this group to begin too soon. The "great crowd" including many of the earliest members thereof, will survive into the "new earth." (Survival Into a New Earth p. 185 )
Let's say generously that the average age of those conventioneers was 25...and the youngest was 15. The youngest person in that crowd would be 100 years old today. I doubt many of those earliest members are alive today. I wonder if any are.
Another prediction down the tube.
some recent new friends on this forum like friend kosonen are fixated with god's name being jehovah...unfortunately they are wrong:.
a quick bit of history:.
"about the 13th century the term “jehovah” appeared when christian scholars took the consonants of “yahweh” and pronounced it with the vowels of “adonai.” this resulted in the sound “yahowah,” which has a latinized spelling of “jehovah.” the first recorded use of this spelling was made by a spanish dominican monk, raymundus martini, in 1270.. interestingly, this fact is admitted in much jehovah’s witness literature, such as their aid to bible understanding (p. 885).
It is interesting that the Main verse used to affirm the name, Jehovah's Witnesses (Isaiah 43:10) categorically states that no god was formed before God or after him. So this eliminates the possibility that Jesus was a created god with God.
does anyone have wts quotations showing that the great crowd members will only be declared righteous and receive everlasting life at the close of the millennium?.
Thanks guys! This is exactly what I was looking for.
does anyone have wts quotations showing that the great crowd members will only be declared righteous and receive everlasting life at the close of the millennium?.
Does anyone have WTS quotations showing that the Great Crowd members will only be declared righteous and receive everlasting life at the close of the Millennium?
a false prophesy was promulgated?
q. it had to be accepted by jehovah's witnesses?
q. error?
Unity is more important than truth. Everyone must believe lies to remain a Jehovah's Witness.
first of all, this is my first post here on the forums even though i have been registered now for some time.
i have been faded from the jehovah's witness religion for many years now, but only recently within the past year or so gotten quite serious about it - crisis of conscience by ramond franz really kicked things off for me personally.. anyway, my wife, parents, step-sister and her husband and my half-brother are all still active jw's, so i am still exposed to them, and this is also the reason why i'm still "faded".
frankly i'd probably just as soon disassociate myself without the threat of being shunned.
Examine the record. The Watchtower has been 100% wrong interpreting biblical prophecy. Why should that change. Just more nonsensical, baseless prophetic speculation.