Welcome to the forum Houng!
My wife is CODA and an ASL interpreter and educator. There is a sizable deaf JW community here in Montreal. My dad was a minister to the deaf here in Montreal for many years.
But, sorry, not deaf and not EX-JW
just want know anyone deaf ex-jw in this page?
have few questions to ask.
Welcome to the forum Houng!
My wife is CODA and an ASL interpreter and educator. There is a sizable deaf JW community here in Montreal. My dad was a minister to the deaf here in Montreal for many years.
But, sorry, not deaf and not EX-JW
hi friends ,.
is it just me or do others on this forum like to know where posters are from ?
what country state or region you are from ?
Montreal, Quebec...still Canada
what do you think about this?.
Well if you are mad about it, Marcus Rogers has a message for you.
what do you think about this?.
What do you think about this?
besides growing up in the religion, why do you think people turn to jehovah’s witnesses?
what made you become a witness?
I think many nominal Christians gradually become impressed by Witnesses' apparent biblical "knowledge " and ability to support their exclusive doctrines "logically". When these Studies finally conclude, "this must be the truth!" mental conversion has taken place.
everyday that goes by i thank my lucky stars that our sons' want nothing to with this cult.
she has set such a bad example of what a christian is, that is also what desuades them and keeps them thinking its a cult.
by what actions?
Right on GND!
hello, i was hoping to get some clarification about how people are disciplined for immorality as a jw.
i became involved with a co-worker a few years ago, she was fairly aggressive and she initiated a physical relationship very quickly.
at the time i did not know she was married and a jw.
Unfortunately your ex-girlfriend has serious commitment issues as well as uncontrolled desire for new sexual experiences. My take is that you should have nothing else to say or do with her or her family. Never thought I'd say this....but let Jehovah handle this one and avoid all potentially vindictive reporting of yours or others sins.
you will die.
i will die.
those who have gone before us, the great and the small, the powerful and the weak, have shared the common fate of dying.
Although religions fail the test of reality, they provide comfort to the vulnerable. An illusion, nevertheless.
It certainly makes no sense for one who professes to know Jesus Christ to be afraid of death.
the great crowd of other sheep witnesses allegedly first began forming early on in the 20th century.
rutherford was totally unaware of this crowds existence until 1935. it was revealed to him in 1932 that the great crowd members were heaven-bound.
then light flashed from heaven in 1935 showing that this group was an earthly class.
Here is the real deal on the 144,000 from an unbiased Bible Thumper
the great crowd of other sheep witnesses allegedly first began forming early on in the 20th century.
rutherford was totally unaware of this crowds existence until 1935. it was revealed to him in 1932 that the great crowd members were heaven-bound.
then light flashed from heaven in 1935 showing that this group was an earthly class.
Well, I see the 144,000 and the Great Crowd as the same group visualized in two different settings (turbulent earth and heavenly bliss) and from two distinct perspectives, (divine and human).