Charlie Ryde is an apostate to the WTS. She writes
Jehovahs Witnesses have a harsh spirit against Apostate exJWs because of the same reasons they do/think/say anything in their lives: Because the Watchtower and Governing Body told them to.
The following passage is what the Watchtower Org tells them about anyone who speaks out against their doctrines or beliefs.
apostates are “mentally diseased,” and they seek to infect others with their disloyal teachings. (1 Tim. 6:3, 4) Jehovah, the Great Physician, tells us to avoid contact with them.
The JWs you meet in real life are not usually as vile as the ones you see on Quora. The true narcissists seem to gravitate to this app. I have, though, encountered plenty of JWs that felt free to publicly chastise me or turn the other direction when they see me coming, including my own brother.
If you were to believe all of the tripe posted by JWs on Quora you would come to the conclusion that all of us that speak out against the Watchtower do so because we are gross sinners who just want to do what we want and are marked for destruction. For them to encounter people that are articulate and intelligent, people who have resolved their problems by leaving, or people that have the stated mission that they are speaking out in order to protect others, is so contrary to what the Watchtower tells then to believe that they just can’t manage it.
So they attack us, because you always hate what you fear. That is the foundation of bigotry.
A personality constant you will find with JWs is a basic lack of empathy. It is top to bottom in the organization. Imagine a people who pride themselves on shunning their own children and families for the teachings of some false prophets who claim they are anointed by God. They consider it a strength to discard their child like trash.
I am an Apostate. I work in healthcare. We take in the “mentally diseased” and try to help them cope. The Watchtower Organization is so afraid of their member’s weak faith, and they should be. The false prophecies continue to stack up. Time continues to tick tick tick into the future that should never have existed.
I am an Apostate. I hope to save someone from having their life stolen by this controlling cult. I will accept the hatred of the many for the sake of the few.