The apostles along with the other anointed dead apparently were given a spiritual body in the spring of 1918 and were raised to heavenly life, The currently living anointed join them immediately at their death.
JoinedPosts by Vanderhoven7
How Does WT Explain away, "Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord"?
by Sea Breeze in5now he that wrought us for this very thing is god, who gave unto us the earnest of the spirit.6being therefore always of good courage, and knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the lord 7(for we walk by faith, not by sight); 8we are of good courage, i say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the lord.
9wherefore also we make it our aim, whether at home or absent, to be well-pleasing unto him.. since watchtower teaches there is only one "you" and not three (soul, body & spirit); how do jw's deal with the fact that scripture says that it is possible for a person to be absent from their body and to be present with the lord in heaven?when i was pioneering, i don't recall a householder every dropping this verse on me; and i'm not sure how i would have handled it if they did.
what say you?.
How Does WT Explain away, "Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord"?
by Sea Breeze in5now he that wrought us for this very thing is god, who gave unto us the earnest of the spirit.6being therefore always of good courage, and knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the lord 7(for we walk by faith, not by sight); 8we are of good courage, i say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the lord.
9wherefore also we make it our aim, whether at home or absent, to be well-pleasing unto him.. since watchtower teaches there is only one "you" and not three (soul, body & spirit); how do jw's deal with the fact that scripture says that it is possible for a person to be absent from their body and to be present with the lord in heaven?when i was pioneering, i don't recall a householder every dropping this verse on me; and i'm not sure how i would have handled it if they did.
what say you?.
I think the explanation is that since the first resurrection began in 1918 when anointed ones die now, their personalities don't need to be stored in God's memory but are immediately transformed into Spirit creatures adapted for heavenly life.
I don't see how Witnesses can escape that man at least has a dual nature, body and soul. Soul then equals personality including memories, intellect, will and emotions.
What exactly IS 1914 these days?
by Halcon init's no longer a year tying to the present (the old pre-1995 generation belief).
realistically, that's the only reason why it mattered.
and if it doesn't really matter what it is anymore, why would jw not do away with it?.
Hey, three generations can overlap so no problem with 1914 there.
And don't forget the tree cut down and the seven year 1914 kingdom restoration proof.
How Does WT Explain away, "Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord"?
by Sea Breeze in5now he that wrought us for this very thing is god, who gave unto us the earnest of the spirit.6being therefore always of good courage, and knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the lord 7(for we walk by faith, not by sight); 8we are of good courage, i say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the lord.
9wherefore also we make it our aim, whether at home or absent, to be well-pleasing unto him.. since watchtower teaches there is only one "you" and not three (soul, body & spirit); how do jw's deal with the fact that scripture says that it is possible for a person to be absent from their body and to be present with the lord in heaven?when i was pioneering, i don't recall a householder every dropping this verse on me; and i'm not sure how i would have handled it if they did.
what say you?.
Certainly, I would rather be absent from the body and present with the Lord immediately, never losing consciousness or being asleep unclothed for a season. But knowing that my next conscious moment will be seeing Jesus at His Coming, I'm not too concerned.
What exactly IS 1914 these days?
by Halcon init's no longer a year tying to the present (the old pre-1995 generation belief).
realistically, that's the only reason why it mattered.
and if it doesn't really matter what it is anymore, why would jw not do away with it?.
Watchtower can not get rid of 1914. Too much of their unique extra-biblical theology is built on this date.
Jesus was enthroned in 1914, Christendom was rejected in 1918, the apostles were raised to heavenly life in 1918 and the Faithful Slave (Watchtower directors) was appointed at Brooklyn headquarters in 1919.
If 1914 goes, so does GB authority.
Prediction: no more changes for a long while
by slimboyfat ini’ve noticed a pattern where things don’t go the way i expect them to go and/or whenever i realise there is a trend and, i mentally adjust for the idea that the trend will continue, the trend stops in its tracks.
so on that basis, and given many people, including myself, and active jws, have been asking ‘what changes will the governing body make next?’ perhaps the (disappointing) answer is: ‘nothing much for a while to come’.
maybe they’ve made the changes they want for now, and will wait a while and see how it’s received.
My take:
They will not substantially change the blood policy.
They will not change the 1914 date.
They will not change their stance on fornication one iota or they will lose their claim to moral superiority.
Will I be disfellowshippwd
by Sydney iny'all i am an unmedicated bipolar.
i had a mania streak and slept with my bf who is of the world.
i am pregnant from this.
Believe me. Nobody is judging you. Everyone is trying to be supportive. But we have no faith in the kindness of men who are bound by heartless man made policies. In contrast, just look at the response of Christ to the woman caught in adultery and take heart sister. We are with you.
Will I be disfellowshippwd
by Sydney iny'all i am an unmedicated bipolar.
i had a mania streak and slept with my bf who is of the world.
i am pregnant from this.
Hello everyone I had sex with my 'worldly' bf 7 days ago. It was after I was baptized. I went and talked to the elders and they said they won't do anything but they are setting up a panel for me of three elders.
So you were intimate with him prior to and after you were baptized.
Will your boyfriend stick it out with you? If you both are not in love, be ready to be a single mom without family support.
Happy Easter Everyone !
by Sea Breeze inand as a reminder to all my atheist friends, here's a list of 12 facts on the resurrection most scholars (skeptic, jewish and otherwise) agree to.
2000 years ago a man announced that he would be killed and while he was dead, he would resurrect himself from the dead.
just wow!.
Christos Anesti !!!!
Will I be disfellowshippwd
by Sydney iny'all i am an unmedicated bipolar.
i had a mania streak and slept with my bf who is of the world.
i am pregnant from this.
Hi Sydney,
Do you have family members in the religion?
Do you love your boyfriend and does he love you? Is he willing and able to support you and your child?