This was in Nueva Suyapa, Honduras
my apologies
for those who know some spanish.... .
a friend just forwarded me this (spanish) youtube video a few minutes ago... it's basically a tv news report about a rape/murder that occurred last august (2011) in mexico....
apparently, a 16-year old jw girl was lured into a kingdom hall (by someone who had the keys) and then raped and strangled to death.. the reporter starts off by saying that the police have strong leads, but i have not been able to find much more info about this on the internet.
This was in Nueva Suyapa, Honduras
my apologies
for those who know some spanish.... .
a friend just forwarded me this (spanish) youtube video a few minutes ago... it's basically a tv news report about a rape/murder that occurred last august (2011) in mexico....
apparently, a 16-year old jw girl was lured into a kingdom hall (by someone who had the keys) and then raped and strangled to death.. the reporter starts off by saying that the police have strong leads, but i have not been able to find much more info about this on the internet.
For those who know some Spanish...
A friend just forwarded me this (Spanish) YouTube video a few minutes ago... it's basically a TV news report about a rape/murder that occurred last August (2011) in Mexico...
Apparently, a 16-year old JW girl was lured into a Kingdom Hall (by someone who had the keys) and then raped and strangled to death.
The reporter starts off by saying that the police have strong leads, but I have not been able to find much more info about this on the internet. (I'll keep looking)
But I was really impressed by how the people in the town organized a protest right away and one woman even stated that the elders know something but is protecting the perpetrator. She also states that this is not the first time something like this happens in that Kingdom Hall. The protestors in general were demanding that the KH be shut down indefinately...
Has anyone heard of this story?
do you think there is any chance we can get 20571pnt428571......8675309....r2d2....10-4 over and out to quit bombarding the message boards with ridiculous apocolpytic fortune telling?
Just ignore him... I don't think anyone is reading his stuff anyway...
did the 1914 generation die anyway?
ver since the beginning of the watchtower movement, they have had some sort of deadline for god's activities.these activities could be the rapture of the saints (which jws today do not believe in), the destruction of "false religion", ie every other religious group, or the final end of this world.
earlier, these deadlines were explicit dates.
Bumping this excellent old thread...
what is done with the bread and the wine after the conclusion of the memorial?.
is it normally tossed in the trash and poured down the drain?.
if so, wouldn't that be simbolic of throwing jesus' body in the trash and pouring his blood into the sewer?.
What is done with the bread and the wine after the conclusion of the Memorial?
Is it normally tossed in the trash and poured down the drain?
If so, wouldn't that be simbolic of throwing Jesus' body in the trash and pouring his blood into the sewer?
...specifically, those who tend to block the comments field:.
if you are firmly convinced that you have the truthtm and that nothing anybody says can convince you that you really dont, why do you find it absolutely necessary to block anyone from posting their comments?.
what you are doing, essentially, is preventing viewers from examining all the evidence as the bible clearly mandates in deu 18:20-22, 1 tes 5:21, 1 john 4: 1, etc.. so why not allow people to scrutinize all the comments and work out their own conclusions?
...specifically, those who tend to BLOCK the Comments field:
If you are firmly convinced that you have “The Truth TM ” and that nothing anybody says can convince you that you really don’t, why do you find it absolutely necessary to block anyone from posting their comments?
What you are doing, essentially, is preventing viewers from examining ALL the evidence as the Bible clearly mandates in Deu 18:20-22, 1 Tes 5:21, 1 John 4: 1, etc.. So why not allow people to scrutinize all the comments and work out their own conclusions? If you really do have “The Truth TM ”, then people will tend to gravitate towards your conclusion on the matter being presented on your video. In fact, you will get a lot more positive comments than negative comments (if you present truthful information).
Also, by blocking comments, you are really demonstrating an extreme lack of faith in Jehovah and thereby doubting that your “Truth” can withstand any comment that is posted on your video.
Just something to think about…
hello my fellow jwners.
i have been going the local unitarian church off and on for a few years.
my kids and i go regularly now and love it.
Awesome!... thanks for sharing...
When the f**k is the "beginning of the Lord's day"? October 2, 1914? ... notice how they no longer get specific on dates...
a letter was read this thursday from the platform that the branch will no longer approve or remove regular pioneers.. it was called a simplified arrangement that the local body of elders would decide who should be appointed or removed as a regular pioneer and then to inform the branch of any appointments/deletions.
i guess the bethelite who had that assignment is now unemployed.
elderelite... mail can be slow in some parts of the world... maybe this guy is on the North Pole?
Thanks for clearing that up...
a letter was read this thursday from the platform that the branch will no longer approve or remove regular pioneers.. it was called a simplified arrangement that the local body of elders would decide who should be appointed or removed as a regular pioneer and then to inform the branch of any appointments/deletions.
i guess the bethelite who had that assignment is now unemployed.
Besides saving money and making the Brooklyn brass less responsable, I think the expectation with this new arrangement is that more Publishers will become Regular Pioneers (since elders no longer have to think twice before sending in their recommendations)... Also, this will give elders the green light to harass Publishers into becoming Regular Pioneers since, at the end of the day, most elders just want to make the CO happy (IMHO)...