I'm thinking maybe it's for future water storage...
Posts by Alfred
Drawings of NEW Watchtower World Headquarters in Warwick, New York
by Alfred inscroll down to last few pages to see the drawings.... http://www.townofwarwick.org/wt_con/_appendix%20m_swppp%20&%20drawings.pdf.
among the ammenities are a sand volley ball court, two tennis courts and a full basketball court.... there's also parking garages and picnic areas for visitors.... by the way, not sure exactly what this is but you'll notice a shaded area labelled "undergound chamber"... interesting.... (i wonder if moving out to the middle of nowhere was intended to keep bethelites from sneaking out at night and going to the liquor store... just saying).
Drawings of NEW Watchtower World Headquarters in Warwick, New York
by Alfred inscroll down to last few pages to see the drawings.... http://www.townofwarwick.org/wt_con/_appendix%20m_swppp%20&%20drawings.pdf.
among the ammenities are a sand volley ball court, two tennis courts and a full basketball court.... there's also parking garages and picnic areas for visitors.... by the way, not sure exactly what this is but you'll notice a shaded area labelled "undergound chamber"... interesting.... (i wonder if moving out to the middle of nowhere was intended to keep bethelites from sneaking out at night and going to the liquor store... just saying).
Initially, that's what I thought also but then I noticed a separate area for water treatment...
Drawings of NEW Watchtower World Headquarters in Warwick, New York
by Alfred inscroll down to last few pages to see the drawings.... http://www.townofwarwick.org/wt_con/_appendix%20m_swppp%20&%20drawings.pdf.
among the ammenities are a sand volley ball court, two tennis courts and a full basketball court.... there's also parking garages and picnic areas for visitors.... by the way, not sure exactly what this is but you'll notice a shaded area labelled "undergound chamber"... interesting.... (i wonder if moving out to the middle of nowhere was intended to keep bethelites from sneaking out at night and going to the liquor store... just saying).
Any theories on what the UNDERGROUND CHAMBER is or it's future intended purpose?
Assembly Hall sold in Barcelona city (Spain) Where is the money?
by JHK inthe governing body bank has sold the assembly hall in barcelona city (spain).
now, we have not any en barcelona city!.
where is our money?
They need this money to invest in African infrastructure projects...
Random thoughts about the organization. In 20 years.....
by stuckinamovement inmany people will scoff at the thought that the org will collapse.
i agree that it will never collapse but the crumbling has begun.
think about the following.....they have a serious lack of potential future leaders.
Printed information will be scarce in the year 2032. Also, very few people will have cash on hand in their homes.
So the WT will need to find something else to sell and a diffrent method of collecting contributions during Field Circus... I can see brothers walking around with Portable Debit Machines but no one willing to enter their PIN numbers...
Yeah, the WT is really just 2 decades away from collapsing entirely...
End of an era: The original members of the Governing Body have all died
by truthseeker inthe reported death of governing body member bro.
barr marks the end of an era.
many of the original members of the governing body were around during the days of president rutherford.
I think the current Governing Body will eventually be forced to send out "feelers" to see who might be interested in joining the body... The feeler will likely have this "invitation" at the end...
Brother DO... lately, we have noticed the holy spirit advancing kingdom interests like never before. It has been directing our decision-making with clear direction on which of Jehovah's servants are most qualified to shepherd the flock in the few remaining days of this system. You will do well in giving prayerful consideration into whether or not you may be in line for the heavenly calling. To this end, we would like to meet with you on XXXXXXXX to discuss your theocratic goals and also to determine your possible status as one of Jehovah's annointed."
How would you prove that the Watchtower rejects Jesus?
by Fernando inthese are the immediate thoughts that come to mind for me:.
jesus was against religion/ists (matthew 23 esp v15).. the watchtower is pro-religion - their version.. the watchtower teaches a "religion about jesus" instead of a relationship with him.
they do this because jesus always has led people away from the sanhedrin (governing body) and the pharisees (ruling religious clergy class and hierarchy).. these "builders" of religion stumble at using the "stone of stumbling" and the "rockmass of offense" when building their god defying religious empires to rule over and control the laity class (dumb sheeple) with inane rules (legalism) and other devices of supremacist self-righteousness.
I remember in the 70's and 80's Jesus took a backseat to Jehovah in every book, public talk, WT magazine, and JW conversations... he was very rarely mentioned (every conversation was always heavily loaded with Jehovah or the faithful and discreet Slave, and sometimes Jesus)... Then, in the 90's, I noticed a slight shift and lately, it seems that they're trying to seem more pro-Jesus than ever before... not sure what brought this on but I have to think they are simply adjusting to the laws of "supply and demand"...
Our door to door activities were a personal ministry and not recognised as representatives or volunteers of the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society
by smiddy inhow do you feel about that ?were you misled (again) after all these years ?
this article from the newspaper in the latrobe area reffering to steven unthanks case is truly disturbing.
its an affront and an insult to any and everyone who has participated in the ministry of jehovah`s witnesses over many, many years.talk about being thrown to the wolves.how low can this organization go in saving face at the expense of those whose loyalty and devotion is discarded for a perceived image.absolutely shocking.
I guess they need to rewrite that second baptism question.
Are the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses trained actors?( LOL)
by Joliette inwas watching the faith in action dvd pt 1, and i'm thinking: these guys honestly seem like there acting!!!!
i'm utterly convienced that they couldnt believe in what they are teaching.
Joliette... you may be right... I noticed the same thing...
My favorite two quotes from that 2010 WT DVD Faith In Action are:
"This is not the work of man. This is the work of Jehovah." -David Splane
"The fact that they were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal." -Anthony Morris
I noticed that David Splane cleverly added a subtle dramatic flair while Anthony Morris was simply trying to hard to appear and sound convincing...
Wow, not seen this before....
by snare&racket inwow, not seen this before...... http://www.watchtower.org/e/jt/article_08.htm#only.
how openly ignorant and distasteful.
talking down cancer sufferers and alcohol addicts as wanting wickedness!.
Billy... I love that analogy... you hit the nail on the head...
On the other hand, this will go right over the head of most JWs...