NLW's wife
im new to your site so ill present myself.
its been 15 years since i escaped the borg.
i was in a unhappy marriage.
NLW's wife
(please, no jws come in here to convert me, i don't want to talk to you).
i left the jw religion after twenty years.
i had one teenager and two small children then.
SaltyOldLady---You can teach your kids to be moral and have good ethics without religion. I used to worry if NLW and I had kids how we would teach those things without religion. Then NLW got a little book called "Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide For Parenting Beyond Belief". That put to rest any fears I had.
NLW's wife
it's a pretty polarizing statement.
either you are in the "truth" and the light of the organization or you are a satan worshipper.. i guess i now realize who the statement "having no natural effection" applies to.. sheesh....
Ugg! That is awful.
NLW's wife
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I am so happy for you and I hope it works out.
NLW's wife
how to make porsche with bicycle.
funny.. but, it is very slow porsche.
I WANT ONE!!!! lol That was very funny.
NLW's wife
whats everybody doing this weekend?
i have no plans tryin to figure out what im gonna do tired of doing what i usually do which is go out and drink .
Road trip. YEAH!
NLW's wife
omg how low can i go?
and how low have you gone .
^^^^ HAHAHA that is soooooo funny!!
NLW's wife
i think i am but am not exactly sure what it means..
No not at all. Sometimes I wish that I still was because I liked that comforting feel of talking to an imaginary friend in my head. No really, when I truly believed in the JW god and I was really upset it would make me feel better to pray. Like somehow he would make things all better. I liked that and it is probably the thing that I miss most. I wish I could be a spritual person but reality gets in the way.
NLW's wife
is it for you?.
if you are married, would you do it again (with the same person)?.
Yeah I would do it again in a heart beat. Except it would be a small wedding with just a few special people instead of the whole bloody congregation. lol
NLW's wife
my two oldest brothers, jim and ron, were coerced into baptism when they were but 10 and 11 years old.. .
they were indoctrinated heavily, of course, and they tried to toe the line and be good little jw boys as best two unruly fatherless boys could.
the nature of a boy won out and they both got into some mischief about a year later.
I'm so sorry.
NLW's wife