Once you realized the organization is simply a religious corporation, how did you leave? We just stopped attending meetings.
Did you fade? Kind of. Our service had been reduced for a year prior to leaving, meeting attendance was spotty and then nonexistant.
Were you forced out? No. We still get visits from elders though. One elder came right out and asked "you still know this is the truth, right?" He also grilled me about certain family memebers, asking why they weren't going to meetings and if they were discouraged because of another elder and his family. I told the elder it was best to ask them.
How did you adjust to life on the outside? We celebrated holidays this year and enjoyed them. Life is pretty much the same as it was when we were witnesses, we just have more time and don't feel guilty about doing normal things like sleeping in on the weekends.
Do you still have social or family connections within the organization? Only inlaws, and that might change when they find out our inactive status.
What did you do to supplant the lost friends, routine, and sense of purpose? I'm kind of a loner, so I don't need many friends. I have some friends that are ex JWs, which is nice. My husband is making friends with his coworkers. We've got 2 little kids, so not a lot of extra time. But I take a yoga class to get out of the house, and have my son in dance class. We plan family outings some weekends, and try to fill our time with things we enjoy.
I miss spiritual things sometimes, so I went to a church and enjoyed the atmosphere there. I plan on volunteering at the Food Bank in the near future. And right now my children give my life a sense of purpose. I sometimes have bad days where I feel my life has no purpose, but I think counseling, medication, and time will heal all wounds.