It appears that what the march in NY is about got lost in your Prozac.
Child marriage and polygamy have been practiced in almost all cultures since time began. Even in the United States today 12-year-old children get married every day legally. (some states require the signature of the governor). It is not only in Utah, and Saudi Arabia that men have multiple women.
The difference here is that there is no culture now or in the past that approves or ever approved of a father raping his own daughter. Not ancient Israel, Not modern Utah, not even whichever city you live in. The march in New York is about victims. People, boys and girls, beaten, raped, sodomized, neglected and then threatened when they tried to get help.
You can be as mad as you want about what happened 2,000 years ago. You can even accuse God, of being wrong or bad. If it makes you feel better, or even justified about your own actions then hey go for it.
Please dont try to diminish what the marchers are doing in New York today. They are courageous people, with a clear since of right and wrong, trying to stop predators from destroying more victims
Thank you all who were able to march in New York, and to all who passed out lambs at Kingdom Halls.