JoinedTopics Started by footprints
What we have now is a "corpocracy:"
by footprints infound this here information in one o those radical uncontroled freepress things: hope you find it interesting.
over the phone, michael toms sounds a lot different than he does when hosting his nationally syndicated radio show, "new dimensions.
" as host, he tends to speak in soft-edged, gentle tones, offering a kind of sonic beanbag for both guests and listeners.. outside the studio, however, toms bristles with a fiery passion when discussing his latest book, titled "a time for choices: deep dialogues for a deep democracy.".
Do you remember this???/
by footprints inmany on this site were busy with meetings and fieldservice from 1980 until the mid 1990,s so i would like to share this reminder of what was happening in the world.
the writer used a lot of rough language so if the f___ word offends you maybe you should skip it.. .
Do you know who this is?
by footprints inwhile going through old pictures and scanning them into a database i found this?
i cannot remember his name.
my email is open feel free to contact me.. thanks
Perry and Nathan Natas
by footprints inperry and nathan natas.
both of you need to enroll in a basic political science class at you local community college.. perry if you think that george has never had a blowjob from women he is not married to you have your head up your ass.. nathan natas if you think that anyone but the us put sadam in power you need to do more with printed material than jack off.
the us and big oil companies are a major reason there is only one democracy in the middle east.
Why did it take the Jehovah's Witness couple
by footprints inwhy did it take the jehovah's witness couple 7 days to drive from atlanta to boston?.
every time they pulled into a gas station there was a sign that said.
"clean restrooms".
Abuse vs. Neglect
by footprints inquote we fully understand the position taken by ray franz, and undoubtedly thousands of other former witnesses, because we have taken the same position.. i would like to say i agree with this quote.
those few of you who know me, know full well that i have taken action against child molesters and sexual predators whenever i have known about them.
both by helping victims and warning potential victims.
Does this happen?
by footprints ini was recently told of a high-up at new york bethel that was provided a nice car, reserved parking space and a key to a private elevator for use by just a few special people.
does anyone know if that is possiable or was someone pulling my leg?.
What is a Ministerial Servant?
by footprints inbecause this site has taken a survey of past or current ministerial servants and posted a list, i think it is important to make it clear that: not one ministerial servant was appointed by holy spirit.. current and ex ministerial servant are no more special or important than anyone else.
in fact some are a lot less trustworthy than the average.. .
on this note i would like to hear from all of you two things:.
What is an Elder?
by footprints inbecause this site has taken a survey of past or current elders and posted a list, i think it is important to make it clear that: not one elder was appointed by holy spirit.. current and ex elders are no more special or important than anyone else.
in fact some are a lot less trustworthy than the average.. .
on this note i would like to hear from all of you two things:.