Bring your own glassc and when the person next to you is about to pass you the official wine, toast them and clink the glass
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Funny things to not do at the Memorial
by rebel8 inpull out a can of cheese whiz, top the bread with it, and take a nibble.. .
say really loud...."oh, wow!
jesus' body is really tasty this year!".
This thread is so funny.
Bring your own glassc and when the person next to you is about to pass you the official wine, toast them and clink the glass -
March Broadcast - Remove the Rafter - Adjust Your attitude
by helpmeout inif you have watched the march broadcast you will understand the topic title.
another propaganda piece intended to subtly blame the victim.
i would like to see them present a clip showing an arrogant self righteous elder interfering in the personal affairs of a family.
At the start of the video he goes on about the improvements and refinements of the organisation and all the new things that are happening. He specifically mentions their new understandings of what will take place during the great tribulation. Whilst saying this, the back screen displays the Watchtower picture of some JWs in a basement. The unspoken message here is that they (the GB) know what is going to happen and stick with us as we'll tell you.
Part way through, Jackson gets very personal and discusses problems he has had. It's such a pity that he couldn't use this time more wisely and explain to everyone when he was anointed and how he knew.
He the talks about the joy and appreciativeness that should be felt after an assembly. Again, it's all about him and his mates, JWs should be so thankful for what they provide.
I thought it was hilarious when he thanked a couple after an interview and said he appreciated their help in letting the audience understand the lesson. Clearly this shows that females on the stage are in a teaching role and they well know it.
There was another bakery session, this time it was on making the memorial bread. Again, a female was taking on the role of a teacher. They know these videos are shown in the congregation but they wouldn't want to look stupid by having a male making the bread or interviewing a brother with his wife sitting next to him, saying nothing throughout. But the whole baking episode was just weird. Baking bread just to pass it around. It's like having a birthday party, baking a beautiful cake, just for the guests to pass it around. -
by brandnew i gotta cook for this hot chick tonight, ........i rented a suite at the mayaguez beach hotel, and she's totally into me.
i have my still sore from my wreck....but into this girl and i need y'alls help.
im californian....kinda been in the tropic forrest..bout 2years....and need some southern help.
I'm assuming that it's starting off at your place if your cooking dinner. If you get her flowers will she need to be carrying them around with her or are you picking her up from her place?
Why not put some hand picked flowers on your table, go all out to make it look nice. Put some candles on there, don't forget napkins.
She may not like red wine, or even white wine. If you don't want to ask her beforehand make sure you have a few options on hand, including juice. -
umbertoecho re the ARC
by umbertoecho inhello to everyone.. i hope you are all well and sorting things out between yourselves.
i have temporary internet access which is probably a good thing for now.
i have been contacted by the arc in a respectful and loving manner today.
Great to hear from you Umbertoecho and that you've made a very big decision. Just coming to a decision can sometimes be the hardest step to take.
I am wondering if you feel that this is probably occurring at a 'better' time in your life? I am thinking that had this all taken place twenty years ago you may have been in a worse position to go forward with this.
I'm not exactly sure as to what aspects you feel this may be a witch hunt and where that comes from in your situation but I'd like to discuss it a little.
So much has become public knowledge and the media is milking this Commission for whatever they can, typical of them, but is it getting out of hand?
My husband has made very little unprompted comments about the hearings but after the media outrage regarding Cardinal Pell, he did. He wondered if this was appropriate for selected comments to be readily replayed in the media, without the full context and leaving him with a very damaged reputation. There's been a mob mentality and he wondered if it was appropriate for an RC to be set up and to allow this to happen and if they intend it to be this way then morally, what right do they have to enable people's actions to be judged by everyone without understanding all the circumstances. Has his reputation been damaged beyond repair on an unfair basis? I know it is very hard to have one iota of sympathy for him and possibly others that have had to face the commission to account for their behavior but as a society we need to be conscious of how this affects people in a fair and just manner. Apparently Andrew Bolt had a change of conscience within a very short period of 24 hours regarding Cardinal Pell, which just demonstrates the extremity of emotions that are involved. I just don't know myself but the fact remains that if Cardinal Pell knew what was going on and knew of the coverups it didn't move him to resign, rather, he readily accepted promotions knowing all this. Also, if people like him are in a position of authority then you've got to accept a level of responsibility and that brings us back to you.
Even though your perpetrator is not alive it has become an issue with the society and very rightly so. It becomes not about the perpetrator, rather it's about the society. There can be no witch hunt here because they must be responsible for their own policies and for whatever unfortunate damage this caused you. Taking it through a court procedure is the best opportunity available for them to be shown and proven that they have a level of accountability that they must answer to.
There is very little compassion and understanding from the society and why is this? If they show more then they are admitting liability, it will cost them both in money and respect for their authority. It's not game over for them because they still have time to apologize and attempt to make amends. It's taken years for the Catholic Church to get to the point that they are now (although more needs to be done). However, how have they gotton to that point? It certainly isn't from all this being hushed up, it's from court cases and public back lash.
You need to look after yourself as the number 1 priority and although you can achieve a great deal by taking this to court, if it all gets too much then no one will think any less of you. You've already achieved a great deal by talking to people at the RC and you've already given them a lot to work on and understand.
You've proved yourself to be a very decent person on here Umbertoecho and I wish you all the best.
SKE school
by alcyone inwould you like to volunteer in the kitchen?
i do not understand why they are showing all the information on a public web.... .
School of Kingdom Evangelizers
SKE school
by alcyone inwould you like to volunteer in the kitchen?
i do not understand why they are showing all the information on a public web.... .
It appears to be the schedule for the volunteers who assist with cooking at the SKE. It is so crazy that they want people to start at 6.30am so that they can give the participants a cooked breakfast (eggs, sausages etc.)
In the real world the average person is content with a bowl of cereal or toast (that they manage to get for themselves) and only on the odd occasion treat themselves to a cooked breakfast.
Aus Bethel reducing numbers dramatically.
by joey jojo insorry if this is old news but just heard that there will only be about 75 people left at sydney bethel after layoffs.
I was told that printing at the Australian Bethel was being significantly reduced. Apparently they will no longer be witnessing with books, just pamphlets. They won't be printing books there any longer. Unfortunately my source doesn't always get details right. -
Only a few days ago I was entirely lost and without hope the rug was pulled out from under me
by elderess inonly a few days ago i was walking around the house in a mindless wander thinking if i needed to seek professional help.
then i got the courage to seek the comfort of complete strangers on the internet and found a world of support here on this website.
thank you simon and whoever else has made this website possible.
Elderess, I am so glad that you have a wonderful relationship with your husband. Your positiveness and forward looking plans are admirable.
Your post moved me to tears as I am sure it has for many others.
My crazy experience, from pioneer to jail bird
by Nodoubter infirst let me introduce my self, i am a 33yo male show spent much of his youth in the jw cult, i was not raised into the truth however thought i found it at the age of 11 when a well caring brother knocked my door, i had no father figure so this brother was everything to me, like a father, i quickly began attending meetings even when my mom used to oppose, i was taken like an example kid because i was an "orphan" in the spiritual sense, i got baptized when i was 12, and spent the rest of my teenage years being this good kid everyone thought i was, i hated that attention and pressure however it felt good to be doing good things, when i was about to finish high school i started to get into punk and ska music, i used to listen to it in secret, one time an elder found out and went to my house when i wasnt there, he went into my room and took all my cds, this was my first time i felt like i was being invaded of my privacy, i was made to feel guilty for liking this music and lost all my priviledges..theres a lot more i can say but i will stick to the main points, i became a reg pioneer, i became an ms, the whole thing, living in new york allowed me to visit bethel many times and had many many friends there, at the head quarters and walkill, in my cong we had bethelite elders etc, so yeah i was "in the club" , i always had a doubt in the back of my mind if what i was doing was the right thing, i used to rent the basement out of en elders house, he is what made me turn, he was the mos unloving person i ever met, for instance he would turn off the heat during snow storms, sometimes due to my pioneering i had no food and he knew this, well no food from him etc.
yet all this time i thought i was doing the right thing, eventually i feel in love and started dating this beautiful pioneer girl, daughter of pioneer parents as well, i never felt fully excepted because of my spiritual orphan status and no family in the truth, eventually got to a point where i could not communicate with her and her parents used to pick up the calls, they told me i could not continue to pursue a relationship with her, i was devastated!
long story short i wanted to see her etc, they put a restraining order and labeled me a stalker, made a mistake of sending her an e-mail and well, that got me arrested!!
Hi Nodoubter, welcome to the forum.
It's a pity that your mother couldn't stop you from attending meetings, you were very young to be attending without your parents.
Thanks for sharing your story. -
Watchtower December 15th issue caught lying again!
by freeman inwatchtower caught lying again in the december 15th article “a living translation of god's word”.
more like a lying then a living translation of god”s word if you ask me.
but i digress... .
The people at the Kingdom Halls get more respect, they get called Brother or Sister.